“Corona” vaccination begins in Australia


On Monday Australia began vaccinating its residents with the Corona vaccine, as healthcare workers, isolation facilities and the elderly are expected to receive 1.4 million doses of the “Pfizer / Biontech” vaccine in about weeks.

Pending the arrival of significant quantities of the “AstraZeneca” vaccine during the month of March, Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt said that “he hopes his government will be able to vaccinate 60,000 people during the first week of the campaign, which is supposed to end next October. “

The vaccination campaign was preceded by demonstrations organized by thousands last Saturday to express their refusal to receive the vaccine, based on a point of view described in the media as inspired by the “conspiracy theory.” These demonstrations, which were hosted by several Australian cities, included clashes with the police, arrests and the use of tear gas by the police to disperse the protesters, due to the government’s fear of the impact of those who reject vaccination in opinion public. and damage efforts to combat the epidemic. However, surveys confirmed that 80% of Australians would like to receive the vaccine.

Australia is among the countries that have managed the health crisis with relative success, with no more than 29,000 injuries and 909 deaths so far, in a country with a population of 25 million.
