Corona … Trump Fakes Good News


US President Donald Trump announced the approval of the Modern vaccine against the emerging corona virus on Friday, “by an overwhelming majority.”

Trump said, in a tweet on his Twitter account: “The Moderna vaccine has been approved by an overwhelming majority and will begin distribution immediately.”

He added in a second tweet: “Europe and other parts of the world have been hit hard by the Chinese virus, particularly Germany, France, Spain and Italy. Vaccines are on the way.”

Trump’s announcement came despite the fact that the US Food and Drug Administration has made no public announcement of its decision on the matter.

About 6 days ago, the United States began to distribute the vaccine, which is produced by the American company “Pfizer” and the German company “Biontech”, after it was approved and obtained a license.

It was decided that healthcare workers and the elderly residing in nursing homes would be the first batch to be immunized with the vaccine.

Health experts say the United States needs more than two vaccines to vaccinate more than 85 percent of the nation’s population.

Operation “Rap Speed” chief consultant Moncef Al-Salawi said last Sunday that “the United States is expected to finish vaccinating 100 million people with the Corona vaccine by the end of the first quarter of 2021.”

According to a new survey conducted by Ipsos in association with ABC News, 8 in 10 Americans said they would “get the vaccine, but only 40 percent of them said they would take it as soon as it was available.”

While 44 percent of them said they would wait a bit before receiving it, and in the survey, only 15 percent said they would reject the vaccine entirely.
