Corona threatens Europe again: 100,000 injured in one day | International News


There is great concern in Europe, as the new Corona virus has started to spread again, as Spain has declared a state of health alert in Madrid and Germany intends to impose stricter restrictions, while France imposes local isolation measures.

The European continent registered, for the first time, more than one hundred thousand cases of corona in one day.

The outbreak of the epidemic has clearly accelerated in almost all parts of the world in the past seven days (315,000 new infections per day globally, 6% more than last week’s result).

Europe recorded the largest increase in the number of injuries (+ 28%), while Asia became the only region in the world to record a 7% decrease in the number of injuries, according to a census conducted by Agence France-Presse yesterday in the morning.

The United States continues to be the country most affected by the epidemic in terms of the number of deaths (at least 212,789) and infections (more than 7.6 million), which continues to increase.

Many attribute the current situation in the country to Trump’s mismanagement of the epidemic.

In Europe, where more than 6.2 million COVID-19 cases and nearly 240,000 deaths have been recorded, the situation continues to worsen.

The Spanish Government yesterday announced a state of health alert in the capital, Madrid, in an attempt to stop the increase in the number of injured (an average of 10,000 new infections a day in recent days), in a measure that again imposes a closure part of the capital after a judicial decision reversed.

The Judiciary considered that these measures do not respect “rights” and “fundamental freedoms”.

The people of Madrid and the surrounding areas have not been able to leave their area except for basic reasons since October 2.

In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel said yesterday that her country will take new measures soon in case the number of new infections (more than four thousand a day, a record number since April) does not stabilize during the next ten days.

“In the coming days and weeks, Germany’s stance on this pandemic will be decided during the winter season,” the German chancellor said during a press conference.

The day before, the German Health Minister expressed his fear of an outbreak “out of control” in his country, which is still less affected so far than its neighboring countries.

It is clear that the situation is worse in neighboring France, where more than 18 thousand new infections were registered in 24 hours, a record number since the policy of carrying out large-scale controls, according to official figures announced last night.

The Scientific Council, which advises the government, did not rule out the possibility of re-imposing lockdown measures at the local level “if necessary”, warning the French to prepare to live with the virus until next summer.

Four other cities, namely Lille, Grenoble, Lyon and Saint-Etienne, will move this morning to the department of maximum readiness, synonymous with imposing new sanitary restrictions, after Aix-Marseille (south) and Paris.

For its part, on Friday Russia registered a record number of new infections with the new Corona virus, according to a toll published by the government (+12126), and surpassed the previous record number that was registered with the start of the epidemic in the country in May.

Russian authorities now say they do not intend to impose massive isolation measures, as President Vladimir Putin considers the country to be “ready for all growth.”

Globally, the epidemic has killed at least 1,063,346 people and infected more than 36.5 million people since the outbreak was reported in China in late December, according to a census conducted by Agence France-Presse based on official sources yesterday.

The outbreak of the epidemic caused the collapse of the world economy, prompting many countries to adopt recovery plans.

Great Britain, the most affected country in Europe in terms of the number of deaths, yesterday announced new labor aid in companies that are forced to remain closed due to the restrictions imposed, including the payment of compensation to employees for an amount of two thirds of their wages.

The United Nations announced yesterday that more than 2.7 million immigrants who want to return home are stranded abroad due to the Covid-19 epidemic, calling for international action to address this crisis. This situation exposes migrants to risks of all kinds, including risks to health and safety.

