“Corona kills” … the Minister of Industry calls for the closure of the country


The Minister of Industry in the interim government, Imad Hoballah, tweeted on his Twitter account, writing: “Corona kills, so we can learn from the experiences of others.”

He added: “If the country gets drunk for two weeks, you and I will not find a room in a hospital, and the health and economic situation will deteriorate much more than the current situation.”

Hoballah continued: “We do not have the capacity to absorb further coronary deterioration. Take two days and get the country drunk for two weeks.”

And the love of God said in another tweet: “Do not believe that Corona is a lie and a formula.”

He noted that “any Lebanese who does not take Corona seriously as a disease, epidemic or pandemic, or who does not comply with the instructions of the Ministry of Health, can be a participant in the murders.”

God’s love added: “If you believe them, ask someone who had a Corona infection or someone died for it with Corona.”
