Corona kills prisons … without plans for confrontation!


About five months ago, the prosecutor, Judge Ghassan Oweidat, proposed adopting the electronic bracelet as a kind of “remote prison”, and as a solution to alleviate prison overcrowding and empty detention glasses. At that time, the various authorities sought to propose proactive solutions to prevent the new virus, while promises to surround the main risk areas, mainly prisons, were “fanned” by many officials.

Days ago, the prison environment in general, and the Roumieh prison in particular, burned and burned with anger and fear due to the epidemic that so far has affected a hundred inmates in the Roumieh Central Prison, ninety of them in the building of terror, while 22 injuries were registered among the security forces in charge of guarding the prison. .
Despite the seriousness of the situation, none of the suggestions and promises have any effect, while the Ministry of Health seems to be slow to grasp the growing course of the epidemic. Until yesterday, the interim government Health Minister Hamad Hassan was interested in developing a rapid response plan for Lebanon’s prisons. He announced an emergency plan drawn up by the Roumieh Prison Administration to ensure the isolation of mild and moderate cases, “As for cases that show advanced symptoms, they will be evacuated in preparation for isolation in hospitals or their owners. to be admitted to the intensive care rooms and departments of hospitals. “
In other words, until now there is no ready-made plan to remedy the crisis situation. Finally, the Ministry began to discuss proposals that should have been completed months ago, such as many preventive plans that had to be prepared in advance.
It is true that this dangerous slowdown comes at a time when the outbreak is getting worse. Yesterday there were 634 injured (624 residents and ten expatriates), six of them in the health sector. It also announced the death of seven people, bringing the number of victims of the virus in Lebanon to 259.
As for cases requiring hospitalization, their number increased to 426 people, 120 of whom were in intensive care, indicating the increasing pressure on the hospital sector!
In terms of recovery, 418 people were cured in 24 hours, bringing the number of people who recovered to 9,634, while the number of injured reached 16,190 people.

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