Corona isolates the Elysee … and European officials | International News


The infection of French President Emmanuel Macron yesterday with the new Corona virus yesterday put several French and European officials into a voluntary quarantine, causing a radical change in the political and diplomatic agenda.

In a parallel vein, both US President-elect Joe Biden and outgoing Vice President Mike Pence are expected to publicly receive the anti-virus vaccine to increase public confidence in it.

The French presidency said in a statement that after the diagnosis, which was based on tests for the detection of Covid-19, “carried out after the appearance of the first symptoms,” the President of the Republic will be subjected to “isolation for a period seven days “, but” will continue his work and activities remotely. ” He did not disclose details about the president’s health status or symptoms.

He added that he had launched a monitoring and oversight campaign targeting several leaders of European Union countries and senior officials who had met with him in recent days.

On the other hand, the Elysee confirmed the cancellation of Macron’s visits abroad, including Lebanon.

Macron attended a European summit last week, during which he met with various European Union leaders to discuss the bloc’s budget, the history of climate change, and differences with Turkey.

French Prime Minister Jean Castex has placed himself “in isolation” because he is “confused” with Macron, “even though he does not suffer from any symptoms,” according to his media office.

Castex ran a precautionary test, “PCR” in the morning, it came back negative.

The president of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, was also removed from office. Last night he participated in a dinner hosted by the French president at the Elysee Palace with about ten of his closest associates.

Shortly after the announcement, Spain and Portugal said their prime ministers had been set in stone.

In Madrid, the president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, remained in isolation until the 24th of this month after meeting with the French president on Monday, according to his media office.

The Palacio de la Moncloa said in a statement that Sánchez “will be subjected to an examination without delay to determine his status.” He will also be quarantined until December 24, when ten days have passed since his meeting with President Macron in Paris.

In Lisbon, the Portuguese cabinet announced that Prime Minister Antonio Costa was placed in “isolation” after his talks with Macron on Wednesday.

His office said in a statement that he would remain in isolation until “the health authorities assess the level of risk.”

But he confirmed that he was “not showing any symptoms” and underwent a Covid-19 test yesterday.

The same step was taken by the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, who met with Macron on Monday.

However, Michel’s spokesman said that “he has been informed by the French authorities that he is not considered a contact. He carries out regular checks and the result of an exam he carried out on Tuesday was negative. But as a precaution, he will be subject to isolation.

Macron also met with Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and Angel Gurria, Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The latter two did not announce whether they would isolate themselves.

And many foreign leaders wished the French president a speedy recovery, including British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who fell ill and was admitted to intensive care last spring.

“I am very sorry that my friend Emmanuel Macron has contracted Covid-19,” he wrote in a tweet. We wish you a speedy recovery. “

“Dear Emmanuel Macron, I wish you a speedy recovery,” von der Leyen said in a tweet.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, who met with Macron last week in Paris, confirmed his country’s support for France in its efforts to contain the spread of the virus.

As for the wife of French President Brigitte Macron, she “does not suffer any symptoms” and was subjected to a negative test on Tuesday before paying a visit to the pediatric department of the Saint Louis Hospital in Paris.

On the other hand, the US “CNN” reported that President-elect Joe Biden will receive the vaccine against the Corona virus at the beginning of next week.

The network indicated that Biden planned to carry the vaccine in a public place, citing “informed” sources that the delay was due to logistical procedures for vaccination in a public place.

Biden and his deputy, Kamala Harris, held an online meeting with more than 30 U.S. state governors a few days ago, focusing on the aftermath of the Corona pandemic.

During the meeting in which Biden’s team in charge of fighting the Corona virus participated, the president-elect indicated that his priorities in terms of the response to the pandemic, during the first 100 days of his administration, will focus on 3 axes: vaccination , focus on wearing masks and reopening of schools.

And Reuters indicated that Mike Pence, the current vice president, and his wife, Karen, will receive the virus vaccine in public today.

In addition, Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed yesterday that he will receive the new Corona virus vaccine “as soon as possible” for his age group, praising the Russian “Sputnik-V” vaccine, which he considered “good and safe.”

“I am listening to the recommendations of our experts, and therefore, at this time, based on what the experts recommend, I have not yet received (the vaccine), but I will certainly receive it as soon as possible,” said the president. 68-year-old at his annual press conference.

“We have a good vaccine: safe and effective at the same time … with a level of protection that ranges between 96 and 97%, according to experts,” added Putin, who this year answered questions from journalists on video .

In August, Putin announced that Russia was the first country in the world to register a vaccine against Covid-19, and that his daughter had received it.

The Russian vaccine, which was dubbed “Sputnik-V” after the world’s first satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957, raised questions internationally, as its license announcement was deemed premature by many, even before the start of the third. phase of clinical trials and publication of scientific results.

Putin said he expected his country to have “millions of doses of vaccines” by next year.

