Corona is expanding … isolating towns and a “positive sign”!


Under the headline “Expanding Crown: Peoples Facing Isolation”, Al-Akhbar newspaper wrote: “Aramoun, Al-Qobayat, Fneideq, three villages entered yesterday, in forced isolation – for a week – after the increase in the number of people infected with the coronavirus Entering and leaving these towns is an impossible task, after declaring the total closure, with the exception of sectors concerned about health, medicines and some commercial stores that sell food products.

The day before yesterday, another municipality that had announced its isolation for 14 days, the municipality of Juan, for the same. These municipalities are not the last to announce, since it is assumed that the rosaries of the towns that will make the same decision will repeat the rapid spread of the Corona virus, which yesterday registered 1,143 cases throughout the Lebanese territory, bringing the total number of infections amounts to 19,180. As for the death count, yesterday it registered 4 deaths, bringing the number of victims to 333.
This reality into which the country has fallen has led some to raise their voices, especially in the context of accountability for the failure to manage the “Corona file.” In this context, the statement made by one of the members of the scientific committee to monitor the Corona virus, Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Bizri, in which he assumed responsibility for the spread of the virus “for the failure of the first government” , before “society” came into play. In Al-Bizri’s opinion, the total failure of state institutions is the cause of the spread, and what the state is doing today is “postponing the confrontation with the virus” and the decisions that come from it are nothing more than ” improvisations “. Al-Bizri addressed a set of examples that point to this ruling, the first being what is happening in prisons, on which the State has not yet made a clear and urgent decision “despite the dangerous and explosive reality in terms of the increase in the number of injured and the lack of capacity to provide medical services. ” As for the other example, it is the confusion that the education sector is experiencing today due to the absence of “coordination and integration between the official and those interested in the education sector at all”.
However, despite the darkness of the scene, there is a positive aspect related to the proportion of people infected with HIV who need access to intensive care. Until yesterday, the registered rate is still below 1%, which is a good indicator, especially in light of the hospital situation, which today is witnessing a challenge, with the duplication of costs and medical services that it imposes the crisis of the lira and the dollar ”. Read the full article. Press here.
