Corona is causing a problem for the probable formation of a new government in Lebanon


Source: London – Kamal Kobeissi

Corona, who does not distinguish between rich and poor, or between old and young, or a hired employee and an ambassador, pointed to those who agreed in Lebanon to assign him to form a new government to succeed the resigned Hassan Diab, who has been ambassador for 7 years in Germany, Dr. Mustafa Adeeb, and it caused him a “logistical” problem. Al-Tarij, when he arrived at the Berlin airport on Sunday, to board the plane and leave it via Paris to Beirut.

The ambassador at the German airport found that he did not have what is required by the established procedures, which is a certificate that proves that a “Coronian” test had been carried out proving that he was free of the deadly virus, so the airline employee He refused to complete his treatment and allow him to board the plane, and according to the form “You do not know with Maine he was talking about the threatening situation and asked him to provide him with the email of the company to communicate with her.

The employee provided what he requested, so he wrote an “email” for the company in Beirut, and minutes later, a response from the company, which generally complies with the laws and procedures in force in the country of arrival, reached the employee’s computer, asking her to allow her to board the plane and travel, based on what she summarizes. What was narrated by the website Aufstand des Libanons or “The Lebanon Uprising”, which published two images of the ambassador while he was at the airport, and they were the main ones above, considering what happened as a “story about corruption, favoritism, influence and privileges in the failed state ”, according to the curators of the Facebook site with Lebanese residents. In Germany.

What the site narrated on Facebook and spread it to the rest of the communication sites.What the site narrated on Facebook and spread it to the rest of the communication sites.

The news of the ambassador, who is 48 years old and the father of his French wife of five, is what Reuters reported yesterday, citing two Lebanese officials, that the nomination of Mustafa Salem Abdel Wahid Adib came after the contacts made by the French president , Emmanuel Macron. By phone, Saturday and Sunday, to pressure Lebanese leaders to agree on a candidate, and that a source in the French presidency claimed that Macron, who is arriving in Beirut today for a two-day visit, was informed of ongoing negotiations in the Lebanese capital on the matter.

Supporters and Deniers

His candidacy to form the new cabinet had the support of Hezbollah and the Amal movement, as well as the “Free Patriotic Movement” headed by Gebran Bassil. Prime Minister Saad Hariri is expected to also inform his bloc members by name, while the head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, declared his party’s support for Nawaf Salam. Representative of Lebanon in the United Nations, to form the next government in consultations.

As for Adeeb, ambassador since mid-2013 in Berlin, he has a doctorate in law and political science, and began his career as a professor of international and constitutional law, geopolitics and international relations at various universities in Lebanon and France, as well as an advisor to the former Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, and President of the Lebanese Association for International Law. And political science, and member of the Association of Graduates of French Universities, as well as the Observatory for Permanent Civil Peace.
