Corona injuries on the rise in Lebanon … and warnings of a “catastrophic situation”


Health sector experts warned on Saturday that Lebanon is heading for a “catastrophic” health situation after the significant increase in the number of injured from Corona during the holidays.

Petra Khoury, the interim adviser for health issues, told AFP that the national committee to combat “Covid-19” will meet during the day to issue a recommendation to the authorities to impose a new blockade on the country for three weeks. .

Lebanon has seen several closures since February 2020, the last of which was in November, but restrictions were relaxed after that, leading to a significant spike in the number of injured during the holidays.

On Thursday, Lebanon recorded more than 3,500 new infections, the highest daily figure, and the total number of injuries reached 183,888 so far, according to the official figure.

The head of the Union of Private Hospital Owners, Suleiman Haroun, spoke on Saturday of a “catastrophic” situation, telling Agence France-Presse that the fifty private hospitals in Lebanon receiving Covid-19 patients are “almost full.”

He explained that these hospitals allocate 850 beds for injured patients, including 300 in intensive care, and said that “patients are queuing at the emergency room, hoping to secure a bed.”

For her part, Petra Khoury said that “the problem is that when a patient enters the intensive care unit, they stay there for 3 weeks”, which delays the possibility of admitting other patients.

He added that “the social gatherings and special parties that were organized at Christmas and New Year” contributed greatly to the increase in the number of injured, explaining that they constituted more than 70% of the positive cases registered in recent days.

He added that intensive care units in Beirut hospitals are now more than 90% full.

Pending a decision by the authorities on the possibility of imposing a new closure, the Lebanese Red Cross expressed its fear of the worst
