Corona injuries … are increasing in the United Arab Emirates, decreasing in Saudi Arabia at record rates


Russia today: The Saudi Ministry of Health announced the registration of 101 new cases of the emerging coronavirus.

Yesterday, the ministry revealed on its official page on “Twitter” that 9 deaths had been detected as a result of having been affected by an injury.

It indicated that 182 new cases had been recovered, bringing the total number of cases recovered to 354,263.

On December 17, Saudi Arabia launched a mass vaccination campaign for the population of the Kingdom against coronavirus infection with a vaccine developed by the American company “Pfizer” and the German company “Biontech”.

As for the United Arab Emirates, it registered 1963 cases of Coronavirus on Saturday, to continue for the fourth consecutive day, registering record numbers of infections since the outbreak of the pandemic.

New cases recorded during the last twenty-four hours bring the total number of infections in the UAE to 211641, and 3 new deaths were recorded with the virus, bringing the total number to 674 deaths.

The United Arab Emirates had registered 1,856 new cases on the first day of the new year and more than 1,700 on December 30 and 31.

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