Corona has gone “local” and “Italian style”!


It says in “Al-Akhbar”:
Three days have passed since the decision to isolate the towns “infected” by the “Coronavirus”, without the “local” closure having yielded satisfactory results. Even with the country entering the peak of the second phase of the epidemic, some still insist that the virus is simply a “joke”, and this became clear when several inhabitants of the quarantined villages escaped isolation measures and prevention. For example, the sight of loudspeakers roaming the streets was enough to invite people to adhere to the isolation decision before it was too late.

It is true that it is too early to issue the “official” result of the isolation, pending what the numbers of the Corona counter will give in the coming days. However, there was a certain contempt for the procedures, which led the head of the Parliamentary Health Commission, Assem Araji, to demand people “for the umpteenth time.” Complying with prevention measures, since it is the last chance to face the virus. Araji fears taking the road to a “more dangerous scenario than the Italian one.”

However, people are not the only ones who bear the responsibility, although today they are the basis to face the tide of the “Crown”. According to Araji, there is also a responsibility that falls on the ministries concerned that “do not implement the guidelines”, including tourism, interior, labor and industry, in addition to security services. This laxity was evident in the figures recorded yesterday by the “Corona” accountant, which amounted to 1,261 wounded, of which the most dangerous are the “locals.” Yesterday, only one imported injury was recorded. These figures bring the total number of injured to 26,328. As for the death count, it also continued to rise with 10 cases reported yesterday, bringing the total number to 424.

The options are no longer open. All the rising numbers dictate is one thing: “wear a mask and adhere to social distancing standards.” This is what Tripoli Mayor Riyad Yamak said during the launch of the “Your face, your safety” campaign. In the city, which alone registered 43 new cases yesterday, “the muzzle is the only solution,” especially “given the inability of hospitals to receive new cases.”

In addition, Public Health Minister Hamad Hassan yesterday discussed with a Russian delegation the possibility of ensuring Lebanon’s participation in the Russian vaccine when it is approved by the World Health Organization.
