Corona Global Health: We haven’t seen the worst yet!


Corona Global Health: We haven't seen the worst yet!


Susana Vera

The World Health Organization warned that the recently infected Corona virus outbreak “Covid-19” has not yet reached its worst stage, and has suggested that the infection will continue to “spread chaos” among people.

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The chief scientist of the World Health Organization warns that it can take 5 years to control Corona

Margaret Harris, a United Nations spokeswoman, in televised comments from Geneva on Thursday, responded negatively to a question about whether the world has been through the worst in the Corona pandemic, saying that the virus “learned to live among us and it spread chaos. “

The spokeswoman noted that the pandemic is still in its early stages in Africa, South America and other regions of the world, stressing that the organization expects an increase in the frequency of the epidemic in Southeast Asia, especially in India and Pakistan.

The spokesperson warned that the death toll is now increasing in areas with a weaker health system, with fewer medical personnel and personal protective equipment.

Harris emphasized that any effort will not be enough to combat the virus, noting that Corona can return to areas where a victory has been achieved.

The spokesperson indicated that the development of a vaccine against the virus will not exactly defeat this pandemic and asked: “We can develop a good vaccine, but will everyone receive it? Will it be distributed to all people in need in each country?”

Harris warned that it would take years for humanity to achieve immunity to the crown if a vaccine against this virus was not found.

Harris also commented during another press conference on the statements of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, who said that he is expected to develop a coronavirus vaccine until the end of this year, commenting that “this expectation is not probable”.

The spokesperson explained that experts at 100 teams are working around the world to develop a vaccine, but this process takes time, especially to ensure the vaccine’s effectiveness and safety.

Source: RT + Agencies
