Corona forces the world to restore its accounts … countries that close again and others on the way


Many countries have started to re-impose Crown restrictions, as part of preventive measures to limit the spread of the virus, and in some countries, they have reached full shutdown, or even screening of the entire population, in some cases .


In Britain, the government decided to reimpose a full lockdown for a month, after the intensity of the second wave of the Covid-19 outbreak pushed it to abandon its regional focus to contain the emerging Corona virus.

The United Kingdom, the European country with the most deaths recorded by Covid-19, with 46,555 cases and more than a million infections, is facing a second wave of Covid-19 outbreaks that threatens to exceed the capacity of its hospitals.


Portugal announced that, starting next Wednesday, it will impose a partial blockade, in an attempt to slow the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic.

The restrictions, as in other countries such as England and France, will be less stringent than those imposed earlier this year, but will affect around 70 percent of the population.

On Friday, Portugal registered 656 new coronavirus cases and 40 deaths. About 2,000 people were treated, including 275 in intensive care.


Slovakia decided to take a different approach, testing its population of 5.4 million.

Around 450,000 health workers, soldiers and police were deployed to implement the plan in the European Union member state, and samples were collected at some 5,000 test points.

Participation in exams is not mandatory, but anyone who cannot provide negative testimony to law enforcement authorities can face a hefty fine.

Since the start of the pandemic, Slovakia has recorded 57,664 injuries on its soil, of which 219 have died, according to the Johns Hopkins University Observatory.


The Greek prime minister announced the reimposition of a partial quarantine, starting on Tuesday, to combat the second wave of Covid-19, including a nightly curfew and the closure of bars, restaurants and sports halls in Athens and other cities for a month.

Schools, hotels, hair salons and retail stores will remain open.

Greece recorded 39,251 cases of infection on its soil and 626 deaths from the virus, according to the Johns Hopkins University Observatory.


The French government has once again imposed a total blockade on the country, for the second time since 12:00 on Friday (2300 GMT on Thursday). The number of deaths in France has exceeded 36,000 since the beginning of the epidemic.

According to the Johns Hopkins Observatory, France recorded 1,412,709 injuries on its soil, in addition to 36,826 deaths.


Belgium, which is experiencing the most intense spread of the virus among European countries, decided for its part, “a tougher closure”, referring to “last chance measures” to try to limit the spread of the epidemic.

The measures include a “minimum month and a half” of “not essential” stores and the imposition of remote work when possible for companies, while coffee shops, restaurants, cultural institutions and sports clubs have already closed their doors.

Belgium has detected 412,314 cases of virus infection on its soil, including 11,542 deaths.


The movement will slow down in Germany in November, with bars, restaurants, cultural and entertainment facilities closed from Monday to December, and tourists will be banned from staying in hotels.

Germany recorded 531,790 cases of infection, including 10,483 deaths, according to the Johns Hopkins University Observatory.


In Canada, authorities announced on Friday that the closure of their borders to foreigners whose presence is not deemed necessary will be extended until November 21, as well as exemptions from mandatory quarantine.

The longest land border in the world was closed in March and has been renewed every month since then.

As of Friday, Canada had recorded around 232,000 coronavirus cases and more than 10,100 deaths.
