Corona … “Darkest Winter” Warnings in American History!


Crown .. warnings of


Corona warnings that continue into winter

A US health official. USA He warned that in 2020 the United States could face the “darkest winter” for decades, if it does not implement coordinated response tools for the emerging crown virus “Covid-19”.

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Fauchi: the number of crown deaths in the United States is definitely higher than the advertiser

Today, Dr. Rick Bright, the isolated director of the Biomedical Research and Development Authority, intends to testify before a Congressional committee about inappropriate measures to combat the spread of the crown in the United States.

It is expected, Bright said during the hearing, according to a document released by the US media, that “the window of opportunity before us is shrinking, if we do not develop a science-based, coordinated national response, I am afraid the pandemic will worsen more and over a longer period of time causing the number of deaths and injuries. ” Uncommon “.

“Without clear planning and implementation of the steps that I and other experts have outlined, the winter of 2020 will be the darkest in contemporary American history,” said Bright.

He added: “The virus is there and everywhere we need to be able to find, isolate and stop infecting more people … We need accurate, fast, easy-to-use and inexpensive test kits available to everyone who wants to use it.”

Bright was removed last month as head of the Advanced Biomedical Research and Development Authority, the agency in charge of developing a coronavirus vaccine, and Bright said he was removed due to his opposition to the use of antimalarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid. -19, a treatment promoted by the President. American Donald Trump frequently.

The chief of infectious disease specialists in the United States, Dr. Anthony Fawcci, told the Congressional Committee last Tuesday that he heard his testimony that the number of crown deaths in the country is much higher than announced.

Fauchi previously warned that if the United States reopened too quickly, Americans would face unnecessary suffering and death.

Source: CNN + RT
