Corona counter is close to touching 68 million infections worldwide


Corona’s injuries continue to rise as he is close to touching 68 million injuries worldwide since it was spread in late December.

The number of infections increased to 67 million and 938,995 cases, according to the latest statistics related to the emerging coronavirus.

The death toll rose to 1,550,263 deaths, and the number of recoveries reached 47 million and 23,575 cases, on Tuesday.

Cases of the virus have been recorded in more than 210 countries and regions since the first cases were discovered in China in December 2019.

The United States leads the world in terms of number of injuries, followed by India, Brazil, France, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, Argentina, Italy, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Germany, Iran and South Africa.

The United States also leads the world in terms of the number of deaths, followed by Brazil, India, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Italy and France.

Curfew in Israel

Israeli authorities announced that, starting Wednesday, they will impose a nightly curfew to slow the pace of Covid-19 injuries, which has accelerated in recent weeks.

The ministerial committee tasked with fighting the Corona virus in Israel, headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, decided to “impose a night curfew” starting Wednesday, according to a statement issued by the prime minister.

“Business will be prohibited during the night curfew and restrictions on movement between regions will be imposed,” the statement said, without giving further details.

However, more shopping centers and markets will be opened within the sanitary regulations imposed, while museums and cultural centers will be able to open their doors at specific rates of their absorption capacity.

A spokesperson for the Health Ministry stated that the government will work out the details of the curfew before it takes effect.

France is “powerless” to reduce infections

France is still “far away” from achieving its goal of reducing new Covid-19 cases to less than 5,000 per day, a level that the government promised, if achieved, to lift the general lockdown, according to a senior government official. health.

French President Emmanuel Macron pledged to lift the lockdown on December 15 if the daily death toll from Covid-19 dropped to about 5,000.

But the goal of lifting travel restrictions imposed on the end of the year holidays appeared to be defeated by the wind on Monday, and the director general of the French health sector said that achieving the government’s goals would be “very difficult”.

Salomon told a news conference: “Despite all our efforts, we still face a great risk that the pace of the pandemic will accelerate,” noting that the number of new infections has not decreased in days.

After France recorded between 50,000 and 60,000 injuries a day at the end of October, the number of injuries fell last week to an average of 10,000 a day, but the pace of decline has slowed in recent days.

More than 110 thousand deaths in Mexico
The Mexican Ministry of Health registered 6,399 new cases of coronavirus and 357 deaths, bringing the total number to 1 million 182,249 and 11,074 deaths.

The government says the number of infected people is likely much higher than confirmed cases.

12 new infections in China

China’s National Health Commission said the mainland registered 12 new COVID-19 cases yesterday, up from 15 the day before.

The committee added in a statement that 10 of these new cases came from abroad. The committee also stated that new asymptomatic cases decreased to five from six the day before. China does not consider cases without symptoms for confirmed cases.

The commission said the total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases on the continent now stands at 86,646, while the number of deaths remains unchanged at 4,634.
