Corona continues, and we must, in return, not underestimate and remain aware of it.


The Minister of Public Health in the interim government, Hamad Hassan, praised the “great effort made by the municipality of Al-Qobayat and the crisis cell in it in all the logistical arrangements that fully comply with the conditions of prevention and their behavior” .

After visiting the town of Kobayat, exploring its situation and the implications of the new Corona virus on it, with more than 30 new infections registered in just one week, he indicated that “the message that we want to convey to our people throughout Lebanon is the need not to question the Corona issue, and that the facts be investigated. ” From its sources “.

He noted that “we have the minimum amount of errors, but that does not mean that we did not work properly and achieved exemplary successes until the sinister date of August 4, such as the crime of bombing the port and its negative and cruel repercussions, leaving it out of control 4 hospitals, and occupying the beds assigned to Corona for critical and injured cases “. The explosion that shook Lebanon weakened official and private capacities for confrontation. “

Although he saw that “what happened in Al-Qobayat is happening in various Lebanese regions, and we ask for this level of awareness existing in Al-Qobayat”, he emphasized that “Corona continues, and we must in return not underestimate and remain aware of facing it , and adopt preventive behaviors and procedures in our daily life behaviors. “In our behavior, and in schools when they are opened for us to adopt new confrontational behaviors, in order to avoid further injury or, God forbid, loss of control and loss of dear lives. We must take full responsibility.” .

He thanked the efforts of the Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Paz in Al-Qobayat, and said: “We have developed a cooperation strategy with hospitals, and the Corona file is monitored personally and directly at the administrative and financial level, and we do not pay money As agreed, there are auditors in the ministry and there are private companies that also audit, and the money required We pay it with loans from the World Bank, and this is a responsibility and trust. I hope that those who raise propaganda and rumors will visit the website of the ministry or visit the office of the minister to see the facts and in a transparent way, and to know how the ministry handles this matter with all transparency and care.

Hassan confirmed that “funds from private hospitals are preserved. We have contacted the chairman of the Audit Office, Judge Wahbi, the deputies and the Speaker of Parliament approved the bill for payment of 450,000 million. With President Adeeb announcing his apology for forming the government, I hope that all concerned will take the initiative to pay Hospital Fees because they cannot continue. “
