Corona closes Europe … a million infections in a few days and a gradual increase in deaths


European countries, in turn, begin the full implementation of the imposition of a new general blockade, after very disturbing figures were recorded in the volume of Coronavirus infections, as well as in the number of infections.

Britain began implementing these measures yesterday, Thursday, and tomorrow Saturday in Greece, while Italy and Cyprus prepare to impose a curfew, in an effort to contain the rapid spread of the new Corona virus amid a “surge” infections in Europe, according to the World Health Organization, and caused serious damage to the eurozone economy. .

“We are witnessing an increase” in the number of injuries, with “one million additional injuries recorded in just a few days” in Europe, and “we are also witnessing a gradual increase in deaths,” said the Organization’s European regional director. World Health, Hans Kluge, in an interview with AFP. .

The World Health Organization estimates that “with the widespread use of muzzles and the strict control of meetings, we can save the lives of more than 261 thousand people in February in Europe.”

“There is no justification for saying that schools are one of the main transmission factors,” Kluge emphasized.

He appealed saying: “We must keep schools open until the end because we cannot allow the existence of a lost generation due to Covid-19.”

Europe has once again become the epicenter of the virus in recent weeks, and the region that registers the fastest outbreak of the virus in the world, since it accounted for 11.6 million infections, half of them in Russia, France, Spain and Great Britain, ahead of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The epidemic infected 48 million people and killed at least 1.2 million people worldwide, the majority of which was accounted for in the United States (233,734). The country has also registered a record number of injuries in the last 24 hours, amounting to 99,660 injuries.

The second wave of the epidemic “destroyed our hopes for a speedy recovery” in the euro area, which is expected to witness a 7.8% drop in GDP in 2020, according to European Commission Vice President Valdés Dombrovskis.

At the present time, the Commission believes that the economy “will return to its pre-epidemic level only in 2022”, but notes that the “high level of uncertainty” that still surrounds the economy poses “risks of deteriorating” its prospects.

These economic difficulties forced member states to spend enormously in support of the economy, which was reflected in the indebtedness of member states exceeding 100% of GDP in the euro zone as a whole.

Isolate chain

And after Ireland and France, England, this Thursday, imposes a new isolation on its 56 million inhabitants, which infuriated the owners of bars, who are suffering greatly after a closure that lasted months last spring.

Until 2 December, non-essential shops in England should close, while restaurants, bars and cafes will only be able to offer food delivery or food delivery services for customers to take with them without the ability to sit down. . In return, the schools will remain open.

Britain is the country most affected by the epidemic in Europe, with almost 48,000 deaths.

In Greece, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced on Thursday that the country will re-impose a stone from Saturday for a period of 3 weeks, noting that “it was a difficult decision”, but “action must be taken over 3 weeks. to stop the second wave “of the emerging corona virus.

Under the measures, only essential stores will remain open, but Greeks will only be able to leave their homes after obtaining a permit via mobile phone text messages.

In Italy, which is still under the impact of the first wave of the epidemic in the spring, a curfew was imposed across the country, starting on Thursday. Transportation will be prohibited between ten in the afternoon and five in the morning until December 3.

High schools and shopping centers will be closed on weekends.

The 20 Italian regions will be divided into green, orange and red areas, depending on the severity of the epidemiological situation in them, and different restrictions will be imposed in each region.

There is concern in Cyprus, where a night curfew was imposed throughout the territory from Thursday until November 30.

“The daily increase in injuries could spiral out of control and threaten the health system, employment and well-being of all,” Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiades said Wednesday night.

For two weeks, the Netherlands closed museums, cinemas, zoos and other places that receive public.

In light of the continuing spread of this epidemic, the United Nations announced Thursday that an extraordinary summit will be held on December 3-4 in New York to strengthen international coordination.

“Stay at home”

In France, one of the most affected countries in Europe (more than 38,000 deaths), the epidemic continues to spread rapidly despite the re-imposition of the blockade last week, with 40,558 additional infections registered between Tuesday and Wednesday. Health officials have called for stricter restrictions.

And the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, who considered the situation “very worrying”, announced this Thursday the closure of some beverage stores, grocery stores and ready-to-eat restaurants, starting at 10:00 p.m. in the city and its surroundings.

On Thursday, Norway, where the health situation is much better than the rest of the continent, tightened measures while restricting meetings in public places and closing bars at midnight.

“Stay home as much as possible, keep as little social contact with others as possible,” Prime Minister Erna Solberg said.

On Wednesday, Russia recorded 19,768 new infections and 389 deaths from the virus, surpassing the record number recorded days ago. However, the authorities do not yet intend to impose strict quarantine measures in the country.

Denmark announced that it will euthanize a total of 15 million farm-raised mink animals on its soil to exploit their fur due to the detection of a Covid-19 disease mutation, which has so far been transferred to 12 people and threatens the effectiveness of the future vaccine.

Neighboring Sweden, which has a population of 10 million, crossed the threshold of 6,000 deaths from the virus on Thursday.
