Corona .. Back to the starting point in Lebanon


The world – Lebanon

This increase after days of stability again raises the level of precaution, and it is imperative to take stricter measures to follow up returnees, either in hospitals or in home quarantine.

On Friday, the Al-Akhbar newspaper wrote on this subject: The past two days had an unusual development in the course of the Corona meter. After resolving and decreasing the number of wounded over a period of days, the meter recovered its climax with high numbers, reaching 48 positive cases, according to the three reports issued by the Ministry of Public Health.

These cases were distributed between 39 yesterday and 9 the day before yesterday, and are mainly due to returnees in evacuation planes from Nigeria (25 wounded), Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Paris (one injury), Liberia (3 injured) and Abu Dhabi (1 injury).

In contrast, the resident accountant registered only 3 positive cases. And before the counter closed those numbers, the Beirut Government Hospital announced last night that 4 new cases (3 residents and expatriates) were registered, bringing the number to 793 cases, 223 of which were recovered, while the number death toll stabilized at 25 and the current number of injuries at 545.

Regarding land borders, no injuries were registered, since tests were carried outpcr Of 91 returnees through the factory point and 102 through slavery, all were negative, according to the report of the Ministry of Health..

Away from the positive borders, the airlines reinstated Lebanon in the caution box. While the number of injuries to residents is still within a good level, the injuries reported among returnees are alarming, on the one hand, and the recovery period delays additional weeks, the smallest of which is two weeks. The danger here is that the number of injuries is high, from all the tests that were performed, according to sources from the Ministry of Health. In one example of this, the ministry notes that the 25 injuries recorded on the plane returning from Nigeria were 160, or 16 percent.%, A relationship that occurs for the first time. Similarly, the chance of other positive results from the returnee list is “very high.” Based on that, the Minister of Health, Hamad Hassan, warned yesterday that what happened “pushes us to take new measures from scratch to track cases and prevent the spread of the epidemic again.”».

The vice chairman of the Lebanese Scholars Committee to Combat the Crown, Dr. Muhammad Hamiyyah, warned that the number of returnees delays the recovery period by another two weeks. He noted that the problem lies in how to follow these numbers, that is, in the human table that will monitor and in the commitment of returnees with strict measures to prevent the transmission of infection to society. The source of fear is the structure of the virus, since the internal virus is used to our body. While the structure of the one that comes from abroad may be different and the probability of its transmission from one person to another is greater.

Furthermore, structurally, the virus is developing daily. From here, he calls on the diet to take itself more seriously and follow it up “for fear of going back to square one.” Another aspect of the problem posed by the number relationship is the extension of the period to achieve recovery, that is, the whistling of injuries, for other weeks.

According to Hamiyah, he was expected to hit zero injuries in late June, but with the current situation, the situation will not remain the same. This hypothesis is reinforced by the fact that the second stage of return is not over, and the possibility of registering new injuries already exists.

Another issue that may extend the period of the pandemic is the possibility of starting a third stage of expatriate return. This is what the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates announced the day before yesterday, stating that “the third stage of return will begin on the fourteenth of this month”, provided that it includes approximately “13,000 expatriates”, and this batch will include new countries, including “countries not arriving The Middle East Airlines plane.
