Corona … America begins to distribute the vaccine, Canada receives its first shipments and the situation is “out of control” in Germany


The United States launched a massive logistical operation to distribute the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, while the first shipments of the vaccine reached Canada, and the situation of the Corona epidemic worsens in other regions of the world.

Reuters quoted sources as saying that US President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and senior officials will receive the Corona vaccine starting today, adding That essential White House employees and some state officials will be vaccinated in the next ten days.

As for Trump, he said – in a tweet on his Twitter account – “I am not one of those who have been arranged to receive the Corona vaccine, but I hope to do so at the appropriate time.”

“Unless specifically necessary, White House staff should receive the vaccine at a later point in the program,” he added. “I have requested this amendment.”

Collective immunity in America

The head of the scientific team to develop the Corona vaccine, Moncef Al-Salawi, said that to achieve comprehensive immunity to stop the deadly viral infection, the country needs to vaccinate around 75-80% of the population, indicating that it hopes to reach this percentage. between next May and June, but expressed concern. From the scale of hesitation observed among Americans.

Al-Slaoui added that between 50 and 80 million more doses will be distributed in January, and the same number of doses in February. Each person needs two doses of the vaccine to prevent the virus.

And health officials had previously said that health care workers and nursing home residents will have priority vaccinations, and most people are not expected to receive the vaccine until next spring or summer.

The United States, the country most affected by the epidemic with a number of 297,843 deaths and more than 16 million infections, begins today the largest vaccination operations in its history, with the arrival of the first doses of the Pfizer vaccine in several states , where the Pfizer coalition vaccine began to be distributed. – Biontech “in boxes at 70 degrees below zero, from the Pfizer plant in Michigan, to hospitals and other vaccination centers that have prepared to start administering the vaccine, starting today, Monday, to millions of Americans.”

General Gus Berna of Operation Warp Speed ​​launched by the United States government to ensure delivery of the COVID-19 vaccine; “The first shipments will arrive on Monday morning.”

According to the official, there are 145 sites in the United States that will receive vaccines on Monday, another 425 on Tuesday and 66 on Wednesday.

The first stage of vaccination includes around 3 million people, but the goal is to vaccinate 20 million people in total this December.

Pfizer in Canada

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the first vaccine for Covid-19 arrived in Canada on Sunday and Canadians are expected to begin receiving the vaccine on Monday.

“The first batch of doses of the Covid-19 vaccine for Pfizer-Biontek arrived in Canada,” Trudeau said on Twitter.

Canada and the United States are expected to become the first Western countries after Great Britain to initiate vaccination with the vaccine.

The initial doses, of the 30,000 doses, will be shipped to 14 sites in Canada, and the most vulnerable people, including the elderly in long-term care facilities and healthcare workers, will be the first to receive the vaccine.

The situation is out of control in Germany

In Germany, where the epidemic is “out of control”, according to the Governor of the State of Bavaria, Marcus Soder, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced the imposition of a new blockade that will begin from the 16 of this month until the 10 of January next.

Consequently, retail stores, schools, and daycare centers will be closed and exceptions will be allowed and emergency care will be provided to youth. Merkel also confirmed the ban on gathering and gathering in the country on New Year’s Eve.

In Switzerland, the director of a Zurich hospital requested the closure of the country, according to local media. The top 5 university hospitals in Basel, Bern, Zurich, Lausanne and Geneva have expressed “great concern” about the situation to the Ministry of Health.

Meanwhile, Italy surpassed Great Britain; To become the most affected European country in terms of deaths, since it registered 64.36 deaths and more than 1.8 million injured.

The head of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brozaviro, advised “not to have lunches that include dozens of people. We must exercise extreme caution and not travel a lot, and be careful when meeting people from outside our narrow circle.”

France has registered around 57,000 deaths and there is a “high risk” of an outbreak of the disease “in the coming weeks,” according to the Public Health Authority, while the French government announced on Thursday night the relaxation of the ban. of closings as of December 15.

In neighboring Belgium, a spokesman for the health authorities, virologist Stephen van Gucht, warned that the epidemic was “at a very high level and danger”, and is the most affected country in the world in terms of mortality rate relative to population, with 154 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.

In Asia, China imposed a closure on a city in the north of the country, and launched a large-scale testing campaign in another city, both near the Russian border, after a new infection with the virus was detected in each of them. Corona virus.

South Korea registered 1,030 new cases of coronavirus yesterday, which is a record and a high level for the second day in a row, at a time when the country struggles to defend itself from a third wave of Covid-19.

At the level of the Arab world, Mauritania announced the restoration of the night curfew due to the spread of Covid-19, which threatens to deplete the capacities of hospitals there.

Death of the Prime Minister of Eswatini
The government of the Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) announced on Sunday night the death of Prime Minister Ambrose Dlamini, at the age of 52, after being hospitalized in neighboring South Africa after testing positive for COVID-19 ago. 4 weeks.

“Their Majesties have ordered that the people be informed of the sad and sudden death of Prime Minister Ambrose Mandvolo Dlamini. His state died this afternoon while under medical care in a South African hospital,” Deputy Prime Minister Themba Masuko said in a statement. .

The Kingdom of Eswatini is located in the south of the African continent, surrounded by South Africa to the north, south and west and Mozambique to the east.
