Corona … a decision to close a city in the Rachaya district


Rashaya District Commissioner Nabil Kamil Al-Masry issued the decision to close the city of Yanta due to the spread of the Corona virus, and more than 37 infections were recorded during the last five days.

The decision stated: “All public administrations and institutions of the public and private sector of any kind that operate within the town of Yanta will be closed, and all social events of any kind will be canceled. People are also prohibited from meeting in the locality, from six in the morning on Friday 10/30/2020 until the twenty-fourth hour on Sunday, November 8, 2020.

Exceptions to the decision are made: “supermarkets, food stores and factories, parents, cheeses, vegetables and everything edible, as well as ovens, gas stations, butchers, pharmacies, medical clinics and the dispensary of the Development Services Center”, according to the schedule shown in the report.

The municipality also exempts from closure within the minimum number of employees during official working hours, and exclusively manages the public facilities that it manages and monitors the measures to be implemented to combat the spread of the epidemic, monitors the institutions excluded from the closure and respect health conditions and prevent overcrowding in them, without doing any other work while this decision lasts.

The decision to open or close the formal school rests exclusively with the Minister of Education and Higher Education.

According to the decision, it is also prohibited to walk at the allowed hours without wearing protective masks and maintaining social distancing. Provided that a reality check is made at the expiration of the deadline and an appropriate decision is made in a timely manner.
