Confusion at a famous university. Student Yusef, who was infected with Corona, died after being forced to attend.


Activists on social media circulated the story of an Egyptian university student, Youssef Fayyad, who said he died due to his infection with the Covid-19 disease after “the university administration refused to attend an exam despite his complaints of symptoms of the disease, “while the university denied it.

Egyptian newspapers reported the complaints from Sinai University students, through one of the special groups on the communication sites, that Fayyad, a student from the second division of the university’s Faculty of Physical Therapy, wrote one day Before taking an exam that had symptoms of the Covid-19 disease, and they supposedly shared a conversation via WhatsApp between the student and the dean of the university, the dean responded, saying: “There are no excuses as long as you do not confirm the positive of the Corona swab ”, And she asked him to wear a mask and attend the exam. The incident was widely echoed in Egypt and activists circulated the hashtag “# Yusef Fayyad_mate”, expressing their shock at his death “in this way” and criticizing the university administration for “forcing” him to take the muzzle test. after refusing to grant you a license:

On the other hand, the university confirmed in an official statement, reported by Egyptian newspapers, that the student attended on November 26 and 28, the beginning of the exam week, and did not inform the university administration of any information on symptoms in that moment. The statement added that as soon as the student informed teachers of Corona-like symptoms on November 29, he was informed not to attend and the necessary analyzes were carried out, and it was confirmed that the student did not attend after November 28. And he announced that he learned of the death of the student, on December 7, that is, about 10 days after his last appearance at the university.

Hussam Abdel Ghaffar, a media spokesman for the Higher Education Ministry, said the ministry “so far knows nothing about the incident and cannot trust the information circulating on Facebook.” Dr. Hussein Maghawry, a physician treating the deceased student, stated in a telephone interview with the Egyptian channel “Echo of the Country” that a CT scan showed that he was infected with the virus, accusing the university administration of “negligence” , because the disease was not discovered in its early stages, resulting in death. The doctor asked, “Why did the Sinai University refuse to carry out the Corona test on a student? Why is there no isolation room at the university and a doctor treats the students?” And he accused the administration of not following up on the student’s contacts. The latest data from the Egyptian Ministry of Health indicates that some 118,000 people have been infected and about 6,700 have died from the virus.

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