Concern in the “Security Council” and the reason for the formation of the Lebanese government!


The UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Jan Kubi ي, and the Assistant Secretary-General for the Middle East and Asia and the Pacific, Mohamed Khaled Khiari, offered a hypothetical briefing to the Security Council on 17 November on the implementation of the Resolution 1701 (2006), based on the recent report of the UN Secretary General, António Guterres.

The Special Coordinator highlighted the importance of continued support to UNIFIL, which plays a crucial role in maintaining calm along the Blue Line, and security and stability in the south and in the region.

The Special Coordinator briefed the Security Council on recent events in Lebanon and referred with great concern to the crisis and the worsening social and economic collapse, which is pushing increasing numbers of Lebanese and refugees rapidly into poverty. extreme and food insecurity in the absence of an effective social protection system, which was exacerbated by the accelerated spread of the epidemic. Corona, putting additional pressure on the already overstretched health and education sectors.

He noted the negative impact, in particular, on women and youth, and vulnerable groups, and highlighted the urgent need to train Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri a new government that is efficient and has the powers and professionalism to lead carry out vital reforms and address the accumulated social, economic and financial crises facing the country, beginning with the implementation of the road map outlined by France. In a complete and timely manner, and by meeting the legitimate demands of the population, he highlighted the importance of adopting a comprehensive approach and involving civil society, women and youth, along this path, including in the preparations for the next elections in 2022.

Regarding the tragic explosion in the port of Beirut on 4 August, the Special Coordinator welcomed the large-scale humanitarian assistance provided by the international community in its wake.

He affirmed the continued support of the United Nations in the reform, recovery and reconstruction (3RF) framework that was prepared with the World Bank and the European Union, provided that it is present at the next Lebanon Support Conference, which will be co-chaired by the secretary United Nations General António Guterres and French President Emmanuel Macron. Mr. Kubi also noted the lack of clarity in the investigation into the port explosion and reported on many appeals and petitions from citizens in this regard, and also reiterated the Secretary-General’s call for a fair, complete and transparent investigation into the causes. of the explosion to ensure accountability, justice and help prevent a recurrence of such tragedies.

The members of the Security Council expressed their concern over the lack of progress in the formation of government despite the pressing challenges facing the country and the growing problems, and confirming their solidarity with the Lebanese people, the members of the Council highlighted the need that the Lebanese leaders form an efficient government capable of rapidly implementing the necessary reforms. Without further delay, it is essential to obtain future international aid.

The members of the Security Council renewed their support for Lebanon and its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the members of the council also welcomed the start of talks between Lebanon and Israel on the demarcation of its maritime borders, noting that the talks they are being facilitated by the United States and organized by the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator in Lebanon at UNIFIL headquarters in Naqoura.
