Concern in Norway about the safety of the Pfizer vaccine for the elderly


Concern in Norway about vaccine safety


The American company “Pfizer” vaccinates against “Covid-19”

Norwegian health authorities have expressed concern about the safety of the elderly after being vaccinated with the “Pfizer” and “Biontech” vaccines, following the death of 29 people who received a dose of the vaccine.

The US agency “Bloomberg” said: “The Norwegian Medicines Agency (NOMA) indicated that all deaths occurred due to the” Pfizer “vaccine, as there were no other vaccines available in the country as of Friday.

He added that “it has been determined that all those who died after vaccination suffer from chronic and serious diseases, and their minimum age is 75 years,” noting that “in total, some 42,000 people received at least a first dose of the vaccine.”

He continued: “Most suffered the expected side effects of the vaccine, such as nausea, vomiting, fever, local reactions at the injection site and a general deterioration of the condition.”

For its part, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health confirmed that “for people with chronic diseases, the relatively mild side effects of the vaccine can have serious consequences, and for those with a relatively short life expectancy, the benefits of the vaccine they can be minimal or insignificant. “

For its part, the US company “Pfizer” announced that it “is studying the cause of the deaths with the Norwegian health authorities,” noting that “the number of accidents is not yet alarming, and is in line with expectations.”

Source: “Bloomberg”
