Cloth mouth does not protect against corona infection … what is the reason?


One study found that wearing a cloth muzzle does not protect against the emerging corona virus, because many infection-laden droplets can seep through it.

The British newspaper “Daily Mail” reported that scientists from “New Mexico” State University in the United States examined 5 types of face coverings, including cloth masks and masks used in surgical operations.

Members of the Russian Northern Fleet aboard the Admiral Kasatunov frigate vaccinated with the Sputnik V vaccine against Coronavirus in Severomorsk, Russia December 2, 2020

The researchers found that although all the masks prevented at least 95 percent of cough and sneeze drops, the risk of disease transmission still existed.

Although the cloth masks stopped 96% of sneeze droplets within 6 feet, they still allow 1,000 droplets to escape, which scientists say can carry enough viral particles to transmit infection.

“Wearing a mask offers excellent protection, but not perfect,” said Dr. Krishna Kota, an associate professor at the university, who led the research.

The newspaper noted that the flag’s position on muzzle use was ambiguous at the start of the epidemic, and that authorities in the UK and other countries were reluctant to recommend its use.

The World Health Organization did not recommend wearing masks until June 8.


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