Closure Did Not Reduce “Corona” and “Most Dangerous” Injuries After Two Weeks


The closure did not reduce casualties

Hadeel Farfour wrote in “Al Akhbar”:

The suffocating traffic jam that most regions experienced yesterday, on the first day after the end of the total closure, is nothing like the promises made in recent days of a gradual reopening with a high level of firmness.

In fact, it was hard to believe these promises in the first place in light of the absence of this control even during the closing period! The declaration of the Minister of Public Health, Hamad Hassan, that the commitment to the closure did not exceed 50%, confirms the need not to rely firmly on the promises, noting that the importance of this firmness at this stage is confirmed by the continuation of the critical epidemiological reality without any improvement even in injuries, contrary to what was previously estimated by the Ministerial Ad Hoc Committee. Follow Corona. Of the 5,200 scans performed in the last 24 hours (half the daily scan rate), 1,000 new infections were registered (ten imported cases), which means that the percentage of positive scans reached 20%, while the Ministry Health announced the death of 14 people in the context of a continuous escalation of deaths.

According to estimates, the death rate in Lebanon rose to 147 people per million residents, after 125 people in one million two weeks ago!

With the total number of active injuries topping 43,000, the number of injured in intensive care increased, reaching 354 yesterday, while figures indicate that there are around 90 beds vacant for intensive care only! What about the beds that were prepared during the closing?

According to the head of the Parliamentary Health Commission, Assem Araji, the last two weeks saw the preparation of some ninety intensive care beds, 56 in government hospitals and 34 in private hospitals, noting that private hospitals promised to increase the number of beds for the next few days, noting that these hospitals have promised it since the start of the health crisis. Cooperatively, while their performance was below promises.

And when Araji doubted the hospitals’ commitment to their promises to raise beds, he expects an increase in injuries after two weeks due to residents failing to comply with social distancing measures and wearing the muzzle, noting that the closure would not reduced injuries, “but prevented its escalation and postponed the problem for another two weeks. Serious injuries will emerge after two weeks, with an increasingly cold climate and the immunity of many people in decline “, noting that the number of infections in the coming days is no longer important since it is a task of” the quality of those infections ”.
