Close to Navalny, she faces charges of “threatening and assaulting” an agent of the Russian Federal Security Agency.


Alexei Navalny’s team announced on Friday that an investigation was opened against a Russian opposition figure for “threatening” an agent of the Russian Federal Security Service, whom the Kremlin opponent accused of participating in his poisoning.

The investigation was opened on charges of “trespassing” and “threatening” against Lyubov Sobol, who visited the alleged agent on Monday, and who, according to Navalny, defrauded him in a phone call to force him to confess to the assassination attempt, according to a tweet. on Twitter, Ivan Zhdanov, director of the antiterrorist organization. Corruption founded by Russian dissidents.

Both charges carry a maximum penalty of two years in prison. Close people said Russian police arrested Sobol on Friday morning at her home in Moscow and then transferred her to Russia’s Commission of Inquiry, a body responsible for major criminal investigations.

“It’s the police,” Sobol said in a video he filmed when there was a knock on his apartment door. A tape taken by a security camera posted outside the apartment shows men in helmets and masks standing in front of the door, before disabling the camera with tape.

On Monday, Navalny published a recording of a telephone conversation with a member of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB), Konstantin Kudryavtsev, in which he defrauded him to make him admit that the security service was indeed behind the poisoning and He made believe he was talking to a security officer.

The Russian Federal Security Forces condemned the Russian Federation for “fraud” but never denied that the interlocutor was actually an agent or a member of the team responsible for tracking down opponents.

Russian President Vladimir Putin previously acknowledged that Navalny was under surveillance, after a media report revealed the names and photos of chemical weapons experts from Russia’s Federal Security Service who had been monitoring Navalny for years, including Kudryavtsev.

Three European laboratories concluded that Navalny was poisoned with the nerve gas that Novichok developed for military purposes in the Soviet era.

The lawyer Sobol, close to Navalny, said that on Monday she went to the building where the alleged client was staying. His address was published on the Internet, and many journalists came to the scene. Riot police were deployed before being detained after Kudryavtsev filed a complaint accusing Russian opposition intelligence of attempting to assassinate him on the orders of the Kremlin, after his health deteriorated while boarding a plane in Siberia on 20 August.

Moscow denies the matter altogether, despite the results of European laboratories proving that he was poisoned and denounced this story, considering it a Western or opponent’s conspiracy and questioning the health status of the opponents.
