Circular to the Ministry of Labor for the retail sector.


Today, the Ministry of Labor issued a circular asking the retail sector to adhere to occupational health and safety guidelines to combat the Corona virus.

The circular says: “In support of Decree No. 6198/2020 that contains the declaration of general mobilization to confront the Corona virus, and the complementary decisions of the same, especially Cabinet Resolution No. 1 of April 24, 2020 related to the extension of the declaration of public mobilization and the adoption of a plan to open sectors in a risk-sensitive manner. Potential, within the categories of various economic activities and diversities.

In the interest of the safety of citizens and people working in the retail sector, by taking the necessary steps to counter the spread of the Corona virus, interested parties and those responsible for this circular should comply with the following:

First: Appointment of a contact point coordinator:
Appointment of at least one coordinator, and anyone within the institution may be responsible for collecting up-to-date contact information for all employees (i.e. home address, home phone number, mobile phone number, mobility method , contact list for family or friends, who you contact in case of emergency) whenever this information is available for review when necessary.

Provide the coordinator’s contact numbers to call if they are ill or hospitalized on suspicion of infection, to locate people with whom they have been in contact.

Second: General guidelines for clients, suppliers and procedure:

Measure the temperatures of all employees and suppliers and ensure that they show no symptoms before entering the workplace.
The instructions at the entrance stipulate that anyone with a fever or COVID-19 symptoms is prohibited from entering the store.
Post instructions at the entrance to remind customers to wear face masks (masks) and to maintain physical space (at least a meter and a half) inside the store.
All buyers, suppliers and users of procedures must clean their hands before entering, wearing masks (masks) throughout their presence in the store.
Provide a hand sanitizer (containing a minimum of 70 alcohols) and make it available to employees and customers for permanent use, for distribution at prominent points and stations beginning at the store entrance.
Disinfect cart / basket handles if available at the store after each use.

Third: personal protection guidelines

The procedure adheres to personal hygiene and infection control measures taken in the workplace.
The procedure requests medical attention and stops working immediately, in case of infection with any of the symptoms of the flu, and informs those responsible.
Prevent entry to any clients who show symptoms of influenza.
Always wash your hands, wash them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If no water is available, an antiseptic greater than 70% can be used. At least alcohol.
Follow scientifically proven preventive measures during work, including covering your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing (or using your elbow when necessary), and disposing of the tissue directly into a tightly closed trash container.

Fourth: measures to avoid overcrowding and friction

The absorption capacity within the establishment should not exceed one person in every 18m2 of the space of the showroom. For example if the area of ​​the establishment is 150m2. And showroom. The 100m2 capacity is 100/18 = 6 people at the same time.
Maintain the physical distance (1.5 meters) between clients and employees, and between clients themselves at all times, except in the case of members of a single family.
Offer instructions requesting to maintain physical space inside and outside the store (if necessary).
The use of indoor floor signs to facilitate compliance with physical space rules, especially in the most crowded areas (such as checkout boxes, waiting lines).
Review the store layout to make sure the corridors / galleries are as empty as possible and allow for physical space, and remove as many barriers and promotional facilities as necessary if necessary.
Adjust the walking path in one direction (when possible) to prevent people from bumping into each other.

Fifth: cleaning and disinfection.

Provide cleaners and disinfectants for surfaces approved by the Ministry of Health and with the appropriate concentration (following the manufacturer’s instructions)
Identify surfaces that employees or customers touch frequently, and clean and disinfect them frequently (such as door handles, equipment handles, elevator buttons, keypads, supermarket trolley handles, stair handrails, and elevators)
In the event that there are touch screens or keyboards, one of the procedures should be devoted to regularly disinfecting this equipment after each use.
– Develop informational brochures throughout the workplace that indicate approved methods of infection prevention.

Sixth: Procedures for places to sell clothing, accessories and personal care devices.

Organize the entrance to the dressing rooms so that the required physical distance is maintained, at all times, during measurement or waiting.
Eliminate or limit the seats assigned to customers, provided that a safe distance is maintained between them.
Apply cleaning measures after each customer’s experience (as testers) to ensure public safety. Do not allow personal care products (eg, creams, cosmetics, etc.) to be tested, in addition to following a “no-return policy” for personal purposes.
Shoppers should wear face masks when trying out clothing, accessories, and products.
After each experiment, clothing and accessories that customers have tested should be disinfected using scientifically approved methods or quarantined (for a period of at least three days) if disinfection is not possible due to fear of damage.
Increase the ventilation rate in the testers if possible.
