Acting Prime Minister Hassan Diab issued Circular No. 1/2021 requesting all public administrations, public institutions, councils, agencies, funds and projects covered by the provisions of Paragraph (4) of Clause (B) of Article 5 of the Declaration Law. of Assets and Interests and Sanction of Illicit Enrichment, Deposit the disclosure permits and economic interests in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
The circular indicated that “with the issuance of Law No. 212 of 01/16/2021, the deadline for submitting permits was extended until 03/31/2021.”
The circular said the following:
In accordance with Circular No. 40/2020, of 11/16/2020,
And in compliance with Law No. 189 of 10/16/2020 (declaring assets and financial interests and sanctioning illicit enrichment), especially the sixth article thereof, which requires issuing a circular during the first month of each year .
In accordance with the text of Paragraph 4 of Clause “B” of Article 5 of the Law that defines the departments that must place the declaration of disclosure and financial interests in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, namely: the Governor of the Banque du Liban, the President of the Audit Office, the Prosecutor of the Audit Office, the judges of Sharia and sectarian courts Responsible for the civil service, employees of public administrations and institutions, councils, bodies and funds affiliated to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, all heads of independent bodies established by law, their members and employees, and the mediator of the republic.
In accordance with the text of the third article of the Law, which specifies the times during which permits must be presented in accordance with the following:
1 – A first permit within the two months following the date of entry into the civil service, and as one of the conditions to assume this position. Assuming public office is any renewal or extension of successive states by election, mandate, or any other method provided by law.
2 – An additional permit every three years, from the date of presentation of the previous permit.
3 – A final statement within two months from the date of termination of your services for any reason.
Noting that the public employee subject to the permit must present a new first statement of financial responsibility based on the provisions of this law within three months from the effective date, even if he had previously submitted the permit stipulated in the Law No. 154/1999, and in the case of multiple jobs covered by this law, for a public official, a permit is sufficient.
And in reference also to the provisions of article 7 of the law regarding the sanction to which the public employee subject to the declaration is subjected in the event that he does not present the permit, so the presentation of the permits is considered condition of the conditions for the exercise and permanence in public office, the right and payment of salaries, indemnities and other economic rights.
Whoever does not file the first declaration on time and subsequent permits that expire on time without a legitimate excuse and continues to fail within a period of three months, either from the date on which they are notified in writing, must present the permit. specified in Paragraph (C) in the same way, in the administrative form, or from the date of The payment of your economic rights in accordance with Paragraph (c) ceases to be paid. This cessation of payment is considered as a notification to the public employee concerned at the risk that the administration, in case of non-compliance, stops paying salaries and other financial fees immediately and continues until the interested bodies are again informed by the authority. or the interested authorities a license to reimburse After submitting the permit application within the specified rules and conditions.
Finally, noting that economic rights of all kinds are not paid, such as salaries, compensation, compensation for disbursement of the service and compensation for termination of service, unless those interested in the permit send to the competent authority the receipt that proves that they presented the permits required within the specified principles and conditions, whether in the event that any amount or compensation other than the mechanism specified in paragraph (c) above of this article is received, these payments are considered a debt of the beneficiary to the interests treasury, payable and resulting in legal interest from the date of receipt.
It is required to inform all public officials who are protected by the provisions of the law assigned to them, and who are obliged to deposit their permits in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, as detailed above, so that they present, within the terms indicated in the text, the permit imposed according to the attached form.
Noting that, with the issuance of Law No. 212 of 01/16/2021, the deadline for the presentation of permits was extended until 03/31/2021.
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