“Chloroquine” and Corona … a study that decides the future of “magic medicine”


Several weeks ago, Canada warned against the use of the antimalarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat the crown.

The Canadian Public Health Agency said in a note posted on its website that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine can cause serious side effects, and these medications should only be used with medical supervision.

Despite doctors’ warnings, and emphasizing the need for more research, in late April, U.S. state and local governments obtained 30 million doses of the drug that U.S. President Donald Trump promoted to treat people with a crown.

In April, the US Food and Drug Administration. USA He cautioned doctors not to prescribe “hydroxychloroquine” to treat “Covid-19” outside of hospitals or research settings, due to reports of serious side effects, including severe arrhythmia and death among patients.

This was a new warning about the drug, which Trump has repeatedly mentioned 17 times on public occasions, and has called it magic medicine, indicating its potential despite being told by health advisers that it is untested.


The study, published Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed that chloroquine, which was originally used to treat patients with malaria, “was not effective” with the coronavirus.

Another study, published Thursday in the “New England” Journal of Medicine also showed that the drug does not fight the virus, according to CNN.

Even before the reports were released, the US Food and Drug Administration. USA And the National Institutes of Health issued warnings about Corona patients’ use of the drug, which is very encouraging.

“The study has practically nailed the nail into the hydroxychloroquine coffin,” said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert and consultant to the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In the most recent study, conducted at the University of Albany, New York State, researchers examined 1,438 coronavirus patients, who were admitted to 25 hospitals in the New York City area.

After statistical studies, it was found that the mortality rate of the patients who took hydroxychloroquine was similar to that of those who did not take the drug.

The death rate for those taking hydroxychloroquine, as well as the antibiotic azithromycin, also appears to be similar.

Additionally, patients who took the drug combination increased their risk of heart attack during the study period at a rate of two times, confirming that heart problems represent one of the known side effects of hydroxychloroquine, as well as its ineffectiveness. regarding the virus.

“The most important finding of this study is that it is very consistent with the guidance of previous specialized agencies issued in April,” said David Holtgrave, dean of the University of Albany School of Public Health.

Several weeks ago, Canada warned against the use of the antimalarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat the crown.

The Canadian Public Health Agency said in a note posted on its website that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine can cause serious side effects, and these medications should only be used with medical supervision.

Despite doctors’ warnings, and emphasizing the need for more research, in late April, U.S. state and local governments obtained 30 million doses of the drug that U.S. President Donald Trump promoted to treat people with a crown.

In April, the US Food and Drug Administration. USA He cautioned doctors not to prescribe “hydroxychloroquine” to treat “Covid-19” outside of hospitals or research settings, due to reports of serious side effects, including severe arrhythmia and death among patients.

This was a new warning about the drug, which Trump has repeatedly mentioned 17 times on public occasions, and has called it magic medicine, indicating its potential despite being told by health advisers that it is untested.
