Chinese President Celebrates Success of His Country’s Lunar Probe Mission – Al-Manar Channel Website – Lebanon


Chinese President Xi Jinping said that the successful mission of the Chinese probe “Chang’e-5” to collect and transport lunar soil to Earth is a great success and a great step for Chinese space science.
The reentry unit of the Chinese lunar exploration probe “Chang’e-5”, which was launched on November 24, landed in Nakhch with lunar soil samples in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
In a congratulatory telegram addressed to the Lunar Exploration Mission Command Center, the Chinese president said: “Having heard the news of the complete success of the Chang A-5 mission, I sincerely congratulate you on behalf of the CPC Central Committee, the Council of State and the Central Military Commission, and I extend my sincere greetings. Chang’e-5’s task was the most difficult for our country ”.
On the morning of November 24, China launched the Chang’e-5 probe, and on December 1 it landed in an area on the bright side of the moon. The lunar soil was collected over the next two days, using a drilling rig and a manipulator with a bucket attached to the landing unit.
The entire mission took 23 days and the probe delivered about two kilograms of lunar soil to Earth.
This is the first spacecraft in 44 years to be sent to search for lunar soil.
China became the third country, after the United States of America and the Soviet Union, to be able to carry out such a mission.

Source: RIA Novosti
