China takes the place of the Soviet Union: the new world is ruled by dipoles


China takes the place of the Soviet Union: the new world is ruled by dipoles


Chinese flag

Andrei Ivanov wrote, in “Svobodnaya Brisa”, about the growing role of China and the tendency of the world to align itself around two poles, the American and the Chinese.

“The world is becoming bipolar again, just as it was during the Cold War,” the article says. Trump’s actions have truly made possible the hope of building a multipolar world in which different interests are intertwined in the most complex way.

Now, as expected, a conglomerate path will be taken. It must be said that China was prepared for such a turn of events. This week, an agreement was signed to create the largest free trade zone on the planet: the Regional Integral Economic Association (RCEP).

Thus, today we see that the power poles align, to a large extent, at the geographical level. The entire region of Southeast Asia has become “feudal” for China, and the United States will gather around it those who belong entirely to the West.

In this regard, he said Director of International Projects of the Yuri Soluzubov National Strategy Institute:

Interestingly, the New World is meeting under the banner of the “green economy.”

The world is on the brink of a new revolution, but the slogans will be “lack of freedom, inequality and fraternity.” Social inequality will be reinforced. After all, the essence of the “green economy” is that some will have high technology, while others will have to live in a pre-industrial world.

Non-brotherhood means breaking the habitual ties that make us a nation, a humanity, and a community of some kind. Links will replace digital code, QR cards, etc.

Only moral values ​​can resist this. After all, the human being is not a commodity or a digital symbol.

What will Russia’s place in the new world be like?

Russia will be like an island. Russia is in the far north and seems to be of no interest to anyone. But at the same time it is at the crossroads of European, Islamic and Chinese culture. Iran and the Balkans have a similar role. The fate of countries at a very exciting crossroads. Demand can be met in the age of changing projects.

The article expresses only the opinion of the newspaper or writer.
