China, “Salud” and “Corona”. Disclosure of “plot details”


After Washington’s accusations turned to Beijing of a new global outbreak of the Coronavirus, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) revealed new information about the important archive.

An agency report noted that “China has pressured the World Health Organization to delay public warnings about the Corona virus at the start of the outbreak.”

“We believe that China pressured the World Health Organization to minimize the risk of coronavirus infection in January, while Beijing has reservations about medical supplies,” according to the US magazine “Newsweek.”

The CIA report is consistent with accusations by the President Donald Trump administration to China about the possible leak of the deadly virus from the laboratories in Wuhan, as well as the cover-up of the epidemic in Beijing.

“China has threatened to stop cooperating with the WHO investigations into the Corona virus, if the international organization declares that the outbreak requires a” global health emergency, “according to the report.

The Chinese threat to the World Health Organization came in January, as the virus was spreading worldwide, at a time when Beijing was storing medical and protective equipment made in the United States and elsewhere, according to The report.

The CIA report comes at a time when the number of deaths from Korna in the United States is close to 83,000, while the number of injured has reached more than 1.5 million.

The publication of the report is likely to further affect relations between Washington and Beijing, as administration officials insist that China be responsible for hiding information about the outbreak, which Beijing denies.

The CIA report is the second western intelligence report, stating that “China has put strong pressure on the World Health Organization to reduce the risk of the epidemic.”

A German intelligence document, published by the German newspaper “Der Spiegel”, indicated that “Chinese President Xi Jinping personally put pressure on the Director General of the World Health Organization, Tiedros Adhanum Gebresus”.

“On January 21, the Chinese president asked the president of the World Health Organization, Tidros Adhanum Gebresus, to withhold information about person-to-person transmission and to delay the pandemic warning,” the security document said.

The World Health Organization has repeatedly denied that China was under pressure from the outbreak of the Corona virus, and described the information in this regard as “unfounded and inaccurate”.

In a previous statement, the organization emphasized that it “based its recommendations on scientific principles, public health best practices, evidence and data, and the advice of independent experts.”

The World Health Organization said its president had not contacted the Chinese president on January 20, 21 or 22, but met with Xi in Beijing on January 28.
