China … recorded the first case of the mutated Corona strain …


China’s health authorities announced the registration of the first case of the mutated strain of the emerging coronavirus, amid fears that it would cause a more rapid spread of the infection that appeared in the Asian country, late last year, and then transformed in a global pandemic.

The registration of this infection comes when China officially announced, on Thursday, the approval of the use of a vaccine to prevent Covid-19 disease developed by a unit of the giant, “Sinopharm,” the state-backed pharmaceutical company.

The Beijing Institute of Biologicals that developed the vaccine, a unit of the China National Biotechnology Group (CNBG) affiliated with Sinopharm, said on Wednesday that the vaccine is 79.34 percent effective in preventing Covid-19, according to preliminary data.

Although China is slower than other countries in approving vaccines to prevent Covid-19, for months it has vaccinated its citizens with three different types that are still in the final stages of testing.

This, and a study by the Center for Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, confirmed that the mutated strain is 56 percent more contagious than other Corona strains and will require further measures to contain it.

The study found that there is no evidence that the new strain is more deadly than other strains.

The World Health Organization (WHO) was reassured last week by saying that there is “no need to panic” due to the mutated strain, noting that the emergence of the strain is a natural part of the evolution of the pandemic. .

ChinaCoronavirusWorld Health OrganizationCorona vaccine

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