Child dies and dozens are injured. Crown-related disease Phalanges


New York State Governor Andrew Como announced Friday the death of a five-year-old boy with an inflammatory disease whose symptoms are close to “Kawasaki disease,” most likely related to the emerging coronavirus.

As he explained, there are 73 children who have had similar symptoms in the state, noting that health authorities are investigating the child’s death and other cases. He added: “One death was recorded because of that, and there may be others we’re investigating about them,” pointing to a number of symptoms that are supposed to be paid for. Parents should consult a doctor if they appeared.

CBS News reported that a seven-year-old boy died last week in a New York suburb, after similar symptoms.

Two weeks ago, dozens of similar cases were reported in the United States, as well as in France, Britain, Italy, and Spain, of children who had symptoms of a rare “Kawasaki disease.”

Its association with “Covid 19” has not been officially confirmed, but scientists believe this is likely.

In New York, municipal authorities reported Tuesday that 15 children were hospitalized for similar symptoms, including skin infections, abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea, and 4 of them were diagnosed with the emerging coronavirus, while developing 6 antibodies that indicated the presence of internal inflammation.

In an article on The Lancet’s website, on their website, British doctors describe the first 8 cases of children diagnosed in London, one of whom died.

This disease, which first appeared in 1967 in Japan, affects young children in particular, its origin is not precisely known, but it can be linked to pathogenic, genetic and immunological factors.

Before these children appeared, “Covid 19” disease was not known to develop in its severe forms in children, except exceptionally.

The disease and its respiratory symptoms especially affect the elderly and adults who have risk factors related to diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, excess weight and heart problems or other respiratory diseases, but with the growing epidemic, therapists are discovering new peculiarities and complications associated with the emerging coronavirus.

The boy’s death has been announced and the epidemic has slowly receded since mid-April in New York State, which has long been the epicenter of the Corona virus outbreak in the United States.

More than 330,000 people have contracted the virus and more than 20,000 have died, including 216 on Thursday, in the state where some 20 million people live.

“It would be really very painful,” Como said, if a link were confirmed between the illness and the child’s death, because “many parents consoled themselves by believing that the virus did not infect children. It is a nightmare that all parents fear.”
