Check the numbers and wait … until the vaccine is available


Check the numbers and wait ... until the vaccine is available

It was said in “Al-Akhbar”:

For the third day in a row, the Corona counter stabilizes at a number close to a thousand, with 1,274 out of 15,000 injuries and 283 laboratory tests recorded yesterday. With this number, the total number of wounded reaches 46,210. And although the casualty count remains stable, it does not seem that the matter applies to the death count, which registered 57 deaths in three days, 20 of which were yesterday, bringing the total casualties to 1,156.

In exchange for these figures, stakeholders can only watch the numbers and anticipate until the vaccine is available, which, according to the Ministry of Public Health, is expected to be the date of its arrival in Lebanon in mid-February, unless something to happen.

In this context, Health Minister Hamad Hassan expected that “the final agreement with Pfizer will be completed the day after tomorrow, because the company will obtain FDA approval today.” On the other hand, he announced that “it has been agreed to secure 4 million dollars as the first payment for the company.”

In addition, the director general of the National Social Security Fund, Muhammad Karaki, announced that the daily wage rate per bed will be raised for those infected with the Coronavirus. The increase comes for “200 thousand pounds in the regular room and 400 thousand pounds in the intensive care room”, in exchange for the use of the personal protection requirements of this epidemic. Karki pointed out that the rate hike includes all Corona patients “who have been admitted to or were in the hospital,” asking “all medical and health service providers, especially hospitals, not to charge financial differences outside of the Fund Approved Rates “.
