Channels Lost in the Fall: How Will the Viewer Laugh?


At a time like this, every year, Lebanese channels begin to prepare for fall and winter programming, which will return movement to screens after a stalemate that begins from the month of Ramadan and runs through the summer. During the past year, that programming collided with political problems that hampered the birth of the fall programming. Despite the channels’ preparations for a series of programs diverse between art, entertainment, politics and sociology, most of them came to a complete halt in the wake of the demonstrations that began last October. Later, the Corona virus wiped out the rest of the television projects, after preventing the audience from being there. In this context, the road of scheduling for next fall and winter is not easy this year either. Rather, it faces many problems that will lead to a change in programming, the first of which is the broadcast of Corona. Likewise, you cannot turn a blind eye to the economic problems that the screens are witnessing, which have forced them to pay half the salary of their employees. In that sense, the LBCI adheres to an almost clear fall program based solely on core programs, namely Hisham Haddad’s “Lahoun and Bas” program, “Twenty and 20 Lebanon Vision”, which is led by Albert Costanian, and “Fei Male” by Carla Haddad. This programming is fixed on the screen managed by Pierre Al-Daher, but the dilemma facing the channel is how to portray the entertainment programs of Hisham and Carla in the light of the diffusion of Corona, especially since the two works are based on interaction with the audience. Today, with the high number of casualties, the screens have forced not to have many behind the scenes. For its part, the “new” channel maintains its old programs for which it is known, with a clear focus on its website, where it broadcasts some artistic and entertainment projects. As Tony Khalife prepares to present a new season of “Tony Khalife”, Nishan will return to his seat on “I am the devils”, and George Salibi will continue with his political program “Wahaq Show”. These works are also set on the Tahseen Khayyat channel, with the possibility of broadcasting other projects, but until today they have not been agreed. In the mtv channel the situation is not very different, since the station began its meetings a few days ago to agree on the expected programming. However, Michel Murr’s screen suffers a crisis like that of all his colleagues, and that is because most of the programs he projects are based on the presence of the audience in the studios. But with the absence of interaction in the studios, the way now is to find another way to add movement to television projects. From this point of view, it has not been confirmed that Pierre Ribat will return with a new season of “Mina y Drag”, due to the absence of public. Likewise, the public’s mood is not related to entertainment and entertainment, but rather awaits the political and economic events that have plagued the country for many months. For his part, Marcel Ghanem is preparing for a season of his political program “The time has come”, the return of his brother, George Ghanem, has not yet been decided. Of course, Joe Maalouf stepped out of the mtv equation due to the lawsuit he filed against the channel’s operators for freezing his show, which was to be released in the fall. Also, the fate of the “Beit Al-Kul” program presented by Adel Karam, Abbas Jaafar and Adil Jamal al-Din is not yet known, and the decision will be made in the coming weeks.
