Cesarean section of a woman with the Corona virus at the Rafik Hariri Hospital


A medical team at Rafic Hariri University Hospital, headed by the head of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Dr. Rabie Shaheen, performed a successful cesarean delivery for a woman infected with the Corona virus, under strict precautionary procedures in the Corona Emergency Operations Room, in cooperation with the pediatric team and the medical and nursing staff at Corona Emergency.

The patient had been transferred to the hospital after it was discovered that she was infected with the virus through routine prenatal checkups. According to what the observing doctor confirms, “The health of the newborn is good and the necessary medical examinations and tests have been carried out and he has been placed in isolation in the pediatric care department until he is sure that he did not have a crown. The mother is stable and has been transferred to the isolation room within the hospital to undergo medical supervision and control her condition from the competent medical teams. “

A statement to the hospital stated that “the Corona Virus Communication Center to respond to emergencies and know the test results, operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including official holidays through the number 01820830 or through the contact service through WhatsApp 76897961 “.

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