
Injuries are reduced and there is no need to panic and overdo things – Al-Manar channel website – Lebanon

[ad_1] Baalbek Mayor Fouad visited the Baalbek markets, shops, cooperatives and supermarkets blog in the city, accompanied by members of the City Council, Baalbek Merchants Association President Nasri Othman and members of the police municipal, to ensure that preventive and precautionary measures are followed. During the tour, a blog distributed …

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Decision to isolate Hermel and Baalbek for “Corona”

[ad_1] The Governor of Baalbek-Hermel, Bashir Khader, issued a decision to isolate several areas in Baalbek district for a period of one week, from 12/7/2020 to 12/13/2020, due to the new Corona virus, which are: Baalbek – Brital – Laboura – Bednayel – Nabi Sheet Dours – Tarya – Tamnin …

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Pope Francis visits Iraq in early March

[ad_1] Pope Francis in the Vatican on December 2, 2020. Photo by Reuters reuters_tickers This content was published on Dec 07, 2020 – Jul 15:22, December 07 from 2020 – 15:22 By Philip Pullella Vatican City (Reuters) – The Vatican said on Monday that Pope Francis will make the pope’s …

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Iran Denies Rumors, Says Khamenei “Is In Good Health”

[ad_1] Published in: 07/12/2020 – 15:08Last update: 07/12/2020 – 15:06 Tehran (AFP) Iranian media reported on Monday that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is “in good health,” as confirmed by a member of the Supreme Leader’s office, denying rumors of a recent deterioration in his health. “With the grace of God and …

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An unknown disease that causes the death of a person and transfers more than 300 people to a hospital in India – Al-Manar channel website – Lebanon

[ad_1] An unidentified illness has taken more than 300 people to hospitals in southeastern India, including one who died, according to local officials investigating the cases. Dola Joshi Roy, Eluru West County Control Officer in Godavari, said that patients in the town of “Aloru”, Andhra Pradesh state, reported a variety …

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An unknown disease that causes the death of a person and transfers more than 300 people to a hospital in India – Al-Manar channel website – Lebanon

[ad_1] An unidentified illness has taken more than 300 people to hospitals in southeastern India, including one who died, according to local officials investigating the cases. Dola Joshi Roy, Eluru West County Control Officer in Godavari, said that patients in the town of “Aloru”, Andhra Pradesh state, reported a variety …

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