
This is how government portfolios were distributed in the Hariri squad

[ad_1] Concerned sources told the “Major General” that Prime Minister Hariri presented his ministerial training, believing according to his circles that it is fair in the distribution between political forces and sects and takes into account the standards. According to the information, Hariri awarded the Christian ministers the portfolios of: …

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Dairy products … benefits and risks

[ad_1] 9 minutes ago Dairy products Cheese and dairy are among the essentials for people’s breakfast, and what some do not know is that they have positive and negative aspects on their health, since Dr. Svetlana Voss, a Ukrainian nutritionist, confirmed that dairy contributes amino acids, fats, calcium and phosphorus …

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4 lions in zoo infected with “Corona”

[ad_1] The Barcelona Zoo announced that four of its lions had contracted the Covid-19 virus in November and had recovered. The city park, located in northeastern Spain, said in a statement last month that keepers of the four lions had “mild respiratory symptoms” in three 16-year-old lionesses and a four-year-old …

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