
Another mutated strain discovered in Nigeria

[ad_1] Yesterday (Thursday), the director of the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that another new mutated strain of the Corona virus had appeared in Nigeria, warning of the need for further research. This news came after Britain and South Africa recently detected two new strains of the …

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The mask protects you 99%! Phalanges

[ad_1] Researchers revealed that face masks reduce the risk of spreading large droplets that can transmit Covid 19 infection by talking or coughing by up to 99.9%, according to a new laboratory experiment conducted on mannequins and humans. Residents of a large number of countries in the world are required …

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A fourth strain of Corona appears in an African country

[ad_1] Africa’s top public health official announced that a fourth new strain of the Corona virus had appeared in Nigeria. “It is a different strain than the one that appeared in Britain and South Africa,” John Nkengasung, director of the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters, adding: …

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16 new cases of Coronavirus in this town

[ad_1] The Crisis Cell of the municipality of Dirdlom Zouk El Maqqarin announced in a statement that “the number of laboratory-confirmed infections today has reached 16 new cases of coronavirus.” He also announced that “suspected cases of contacts (first degree) who presented symptoms and did not undergo laboratory examination so …

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