
Gamalia Center: No serious allergic reactions were detected when using the “Sputnik V” vaccine.

[ad_1] Sputnik Vladimir Song Director of the Russian National Gamalia Center for Research in Epidemiology and Microbiology, Alexander Gintsburg. Follow RT on The director of the Russian National Gamalia Center for Epidemiological and Microbiological Research, Alexander Gintsburg, said that the continued use of the “Sputnik V” vaccine against the “Covid-19” …

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Pope Francis urges that Corona vaccine be available to all

[ad_1] Our readers are Instagram users Now you can follow the latest news for free through our Instagram accountClick here for subscribe Pope Francis called on world leaders to ensure that the coronavirus vaccine reaches everyone without exception. In his Christmas Day sermon, which was broadcast online for the first …

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Close to Navalny, she faces charges of “threatening and assaulting” an agent of the Russian Federal Security Agency.

[ad_1] Alexei Navalny’s team announced on Friday that an investigation was opened against a Russian opposition figure for “threatening” an agent of the Russian Federal Security Service, whom the Kremlin opponent accused of participating in his poisoning. The investigation was opened on charges of “trespassing” and “threatening” against Lyubov Sobol, …

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