
Events of 2020 in Lebanon: Crown Crisis, the collapse of the lira and the madness of the dollar, the catastrophic explosion of the port of Beirut and the successive fires … What happy events led to the afflicted country?

[ad_1] The year 2020 closes its last days in Lebanon, in the shadow of the crises and disappointments that afflicted the Lebanese at various economic, political and security levels. The Lebanese unanimously agree that 2020 is one of the worst years that have passed. In fact, some of them point …

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How did Corona vaccines appear so quickly?

[ad_1] In the midst of the search for a vaccine to end the emerging coronavirus, many are concerned about the great speed that has resulted in effective vaccines against the epidemic that has claimed the lives of more than one million and 700 thousand people around the world. . Experts …

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What did Fahmy say about closing the country?

[ad_1] The Interior and Municipalities Minister of the interim government, Muhammad Fahmy, said after his meeting with Maronite Cardinal Mar Bashara Boutros Al-Rahi in Bkerke: With regard to stopping flights from Great Britain, it is the responsibility of a specialized committee. He hoped that “the injuries remain as they are …

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“Next month will be very difficult.”

[ad_1] Government Hospital Director Rafic Hariri tweeted, saying: “An important question is pressing on my mind right now? In light of the recent increase in the number of corona and the expected increase in the number of intensive care patients, how can we increase the motivation of healthcare workers? They …

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