
Corona … antibody tests are now completely accurate

[ad_1] A health giant said that antibody screening tests had become completely accurate, allowing widespread use. And the British newspaper “Daily Mail” said on its website on Monday that antibody tests can tell millions of Britons whether they have a coronavirus in their bodies or not. Antibodies are formed when …

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She wanted to imitate Qatar and started selling the illusion to people … The UAE offers a fake invention to treat a crown with a 100% cure rate!

[ad_1] Abu Dhabi aims to look at and see their ears through its government and security services, often to move behind Qatar and monitor their steps in any field, sports, economic, political and ultimately medical. Hours after Qatar launched production lines for the manufacture of artificial respiratory devices by the …

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دوقة كمبردج تسلط الضوء على الصحة النفسية

[ad_1] أجرت كيت ميدلتون, دوقة كمبردج اتصالات بالفيديو بعدد من الآباء والأمهات الجدد وبعض القابلات وآخرين من العاملين في مجال رعاية الأمومة للترويج لرسالتها للتوعية بأهمية مراعاة الصحة النفسية خلال جائحة فيروس “كورونا” المستجد.ويظهر تسجيل فيديو نشره قصر كينزنجتون, مقر إقامة ومكتب كيت وزوجها الأمير البريطاني وليام, الدوقة التي لديها …

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Everything you need to know about Ramdisevel … medicine is hope

[ad_1] Good news for United States President Donald Trump on Friday night, as he announced that Ramsdivir had the green light to treat Corona. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the manufacturer, Gilead Sciences, for emergency use of its experimental antiviral treatment to treat people with …

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