
أعضاء جديدة وأجزاء اختفت .. ستة تطورات في جسم الإنسان خلال 150 سنة

[ad_1] أصل وتطور الجنس البشري علم يتم تدريسه, ودراسة مثل هذه العملية تنتمي إلى التاريخ ولا تعد مسألة بيولوجية فقط, ولا يمكن تجاهل حقيقة أن الجسم البشري مر بتعديلات طرقت عليه خلال السنوات الأخيرة. نرصد أبرز التطورات والتغيرات التي طرأت للجنس البشري خلال 150 سنة ، وفقا لما نقل مصراوي …

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Eight amazing benefits for “Date Kernel”

[ad_1] We are used to getting rid of the core of dates, although they contain many nutrients beneficial to human health, since their value is not less than the benefits of the dates themselves. Dr. Syed Hammad, nutrition consultant at the National Institute of Nutrition, explains that the core of …

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Germany begins first trials of Corona virus vaccines

[ad_1] The German company “Biontech” that received approval to test Corona virus vaccines is also one of the few companies in the world that has already reached the stage of clinical trials. The new experimental vaccine called “BNT-162” The German company “Biontech” has obtained regulatory approval to begin experiments with …

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علماء يكشفون ارتباط كورونا بحالة غير طبيعية “مميتة” تساهم في زيادة الوفيات!

[ad_1] تاريخ النشر:05.04.2020 | 11:00 GMT | الصحة                                               Science Photo Library – SCIEPRO صورة تعبيرية تابعوا RT على توصلت دراسة حديثة إلى أن المرضى الذين يعانون من الحالات الشديدة من “كوفيد -19” يشهدون تخثر دو غير طبيعي ووجدت الدراسة أن المرضى الذين يعانون من مستويات أعلى من …

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Corona … antibody tests are now completely accurate

[ad_1] A health giant said that antibody screening tests had become completely accurate, allowing widespread use. And the British newspaper “Daily Mail” said on its website on Monday that antibody tests can tell millions of Britons whether they have a coronavirus in their bodies or not. Antibodies are formed when …

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What does an autopsy reveal for people with coronavirus?

[ad_1] Publication date:05.04.2020 The | 09:52 GMT The | Health Globallookpress Federico Gambarini Stock Photo Follow RT on The autopsy may play a minor role in the daily lives of pathologists, but it has proven important in highlighting some pressing questions that remain unanswered in the context of the current …

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