
Corona’s emergency data has changed everything!

[ad_1] With French doctors bombarding news in recent days about the emergence of the Corona virus that swept the world in December, France, almost a month before the Ministry of Health announced this, the World Health Organization deemed it not surprising e it urged other countries to investigate any other …

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This is the time to restart the Canadian economy.

[ad_1] Canada News – It seems that it is time to start serious conversations about the reopening of the Canadian economy. While solid plans are still needed, there appears to be progress in the situation. Even the country’s chief doctor indicated that the time was right. On May 4, Dr. …

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How to eliminate headache and back pain in ten minutes?

[ad_1] One of the most troublesome symptoms that many people suffer from are sleep disorders, back pain, headache, and low blood pressure, but there are some methods that can help you get rid of them in record time. Experts advise to practice some exercises that can provide quick solutions to …

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New country announces control of “epidemic”

[ad_1] The Austrian Ministry of Health announced on Tuesday that the spread of the new Corona virus epidemic in the country is under control, three weeks after the start of the easing of restrictions. The Austrian Ministry of Health confirmed the stability of the situation in the country, and the …

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كشف أول صور تفصيلية تظهر شكل فيروس كورونا

[ad_1] كشف علماء بريطانيون النقاب عن أول صور مجهرية تفصيلية لفيروس كورونا المستجد ،ول ا ى ى ى ا ى ى ىح ووفق ما ذكرت صحيفة “ذا صن” البريطانية ، فإن فريقا من كلية علوم الحياة بجامعة دندي نشر صورا هي الأولا هي الأولا واشتغل علماء كلية علوم الحياة مع …

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Canadian girl shares story of her HIV infection without symptoms

[ad_1] Canada News – As the days passed, health officials began to learn more about the Corona virus. Although there are general symptoms that patients will encounter, some may experience rare and diverse secondary symptoms. In this context, Daniel MacDonald, a paramedic from Edmonton, shares his experience of being infected …

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Man dies in decision to cancel surgeries under Corona epidemic

[ad_1] Canada News – Someone is questioning Currently in hospital protocols related to cancellation of surgery due to the Corona virus, after a British Columbia man died while awaiting surgery that was canceled due to the virus. Chris Walcroft, the father of two 50-year-old boys, died on April 15 after …

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