
Fixed case raises injuries to 26

[ad_1] According to the report of Dr. Wissam Ghazal, head of the Union of Municipalities of Surveys, the Disaster Management Unit of the Union of Municipalities of Tire, that a laboratory-confirmed case confirmed with covid-19 had been registered in an African country . The results of the two suspected cases …

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Phantom patients, fake surgeries, diesel theft and more … Here’s the decision from the Health Ministry, which closed a waste channel of up to £ 500bn a year!

[ad_1] Hadeel Farfour wrote in Al-Akhbar: The accusations of “zabra” hospitals and the seizure of public money through inflated false bills are not new. What is new is the decision of the Ministry of Health, after years of waiting, to close one of the largest waste gutters in Lebanon, reaching …

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I will not keep silent about your great failure!

[ad_1] The member of the “Development and Liberation” bloc, deputy Anwar Al-Khalil, in a message addressed to the Minister of Public Health Hamad Hassan, stated that “we are very happy with his presence at the head of the Ministry of Public Health, because his people do not turn a blind …

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