
Crown in Lebanon: has the second wave started?

[ad_1] Hadeel Farfour wrote in Al-Akhbar: The increase in the number of injuries in the last two days has spoiled the calm spirit that prevailed in the last two weeks, imposing a new level of preparation that could lead the country to close again. While some of the “rebel” expatriates …

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The option to completely close the country may be necessary

[ad_1] The Corona epidemic has returned, severely disturbing the Lebanese over the weekend, after large numbers of casualties were reported in Beirut and some areas, requiring responsible referrals and interested departments to review all measures taken at all levels to prevent this deadly epidemic. Health Minister Hassan Hamad told Al-Jumhuriya …

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Has the second wave started in Lebanon?

[ad_1] Under the title “Corona”: Has the second wave started? Hadil Farfour wrote in “Al-Akhbar”: The increase in the number of victims in the last two days has spoiled the calm spirit that prevailed in recent years. two weeks, imposing a new level of preparedness that can close the country …

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Good news from France about the crown!

[ad_1] France recorded 70 deaths within 24 hours of the emerging coronavirus, the lowest daily number since the imposition of a home quarantine on March 17, the Directorate-General for Health announced on Sunday, the eve of the start of the reduction in measures. of isolation. This brings the total number …

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The Ministry of Health cannot properly audit!

[ad_1] In response to what Al-Akhbar published entitled “Hospitals that loot public money …” (May 9, 2020), we note that the audit currently underway at the Ministry of Health is based on a small sample of invoices that are chosen at random instead of checking each invoice, and of You …

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Details of the Hariri Hospital report on crown

[ad_1] The Rafic Hariri University Hospital announced, in its daily report on the latest developments on the Covid-19 Coronavirus, that it records a positive result of 160 laboratory tests and the introduction of a critical case in intensive care, with no new cases of recovery registered, since the number of …

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