
Deadline for free application exams

[ad_1] In response to questions posed by Al-Akhbar in his report entitled “Free Application Examinations: A Profit Bazaar” (August 28, 2020) to the authority to receive applications outside the specified period through two employees of the Directorate General instead of the Department of Official Examinations, without issuing a clear extension …

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Deadline for free application exams

[ad_1] In response to questions posed by Al-Akhbar in his report entitled “Free Application Examinations: A Profit Bazaar” (August 28, 2020) to the authority to receive applications outside the specified period through two employees of the Directorate General instead of the Department of Official Examinations, without issuing a clear extension …

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Ashura in Bahrain … What’s Happening?

[ad_1] Many ask me: Why all this controversy about Ashura in Bahrain? We are Arabs and Arabs from the Gulf, close to the course of events in these small islands, we know their good people, but we notice through what we see in terms of images and videos, and what …

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Ashura in Bahrain … What’s Happening?

[ad_1] Many ask me: Why all this controversy about Ashura in Bahrain? We are Arabs and Arabs from the Gulf, close to the course of events in these small islands, we know their good people, but we notice through what we see in terms of images and videos, and what …

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Macron warns of a civil war in Lebanon if left alone

[ad_1] French President Emmanuel Macron warned of the outbreak of a civil war in Lebanon, highlighting the need to provide assistance to the affected country to prevent it. In his speech today, Friday, August 28, in the capital Paris, Macron said: “If we leave Lebanon in the region, and if …

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Warning of a new symptom of “Corona” in children!

[ad_1] Experts have warned that “skipping meals may be a new warning sign of the Corona virus, which should be taken care of in children.” British National Health Service guidelines state that “the main symptoms of” Covid-19 “are a new persistent cough, fever and loss of taste or smell, but …

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