
Maan Yaker died of severe respiratory failure caused by acute inflammation in the lungs – Al-Manar Channel website – Lebanon

[ad_1] The administration of Tripoli Government Hospital clarified, in a statement today, the reasons for the death of the patient, Maan Bakr, and indicated that the patient, Maan Bakr, entered the department of Corona on 9/13/2020 due to his infection. with Corona disease (severe dyspnea, 82% respiratory saturation) after being …

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Attention … these are “new” symptoms of Covid-19

[ad_1] As scientists around the world work to develop a vaccine against the Corona virus, which has infected more than 31 million people worldwide, medical workers are still struggling to identify a comprehensive list of Covid 19 symptoms that are on the rise. day after day. Although fatigue, shortness of …

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Economic explanation: this is the expected hell

[ad_1] Eva Abi Haidar wrote in Al-Gomhoria: The president of the republic said it clearly: “If the government is not formed and they go to hell,” what hell is the president talking about? Is what awaits the Lebanese worse than what they are experiencing now? And to what extent will …

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The battle with Corona is clearly not going well

[ad_1] Hariri Government University Hospital director Dr. Firas Abyad tweeted: “Last week, daily Corona cases reached record highs. The infection has spread throughout Lebanon (see graph). Hospitals are still within its capacity, but figures. ” “Careful patients and mortality tend to increase after a period of diagnosis. It is clear …

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A new face of the “factory of death” in Deir Ammar

[ad_1] The Deir Ammar power generation plant leaves Miniyeh and its surroundings nothing but death and tragedy, while the people of the region do not see an impact of electricity with the decrease in power hours. The resulting pollution of the plant, which caused a large increase in cancer cases …

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Extending landfills or paving the way to hell?

[ad_1] With the end of the capacity of the new sanitary landfill and the beginning of the accumulation of waste in some of the streets of the capital, yesterday a hasty meeting was held in the Republican Palace, in which the Department of Development and Reconstruction was asked do what …

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