
Dizziness … may indicate a “silent killer”

[ad_1] High blood pressure can seriously damage the heart. Excessive pressure leads to hardening of the arteries, limiting the flow of oxygenated blood to the heart. The World Health Organization has called high blood pressure a “silent killer” because the condition may not cause any warning symptoms. Note that the …

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The release of Maher Al-Akhras, who has been on a hunger strike for over a hundred days in an Israeli prison

[ad_1] Published in: 11/26/2020 – 09:40Last update: 11/26/2020 – 09:38 Nablus (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) On Thursday, Israeli authorities released Palestinian Maher Al-Akhras (49), who went on a 103-day hunger strike to reject his administrative detention in an Israeli prison, according to the Palestinian Prisoners Club. Al-Akhras was transferred after his …

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